Health and Wellbeing

Schools are complex and busy places charged with the responsibility of teaching an increasingly complex and overcrowded curriculum to a diverse range of students. This means that ‘softer’ skills such as relationship development, wellbeing pedagogy, and socio-emotional regulation tend to occur reactively, if at all. Or, they are relegated to add-on programs rather than deeply embedded in the pedagogy of the school.

Health and Wellbeing is a key focus area because we know that school connectedness, positive school cultures and teacher-student relationships are key protective factors. However, schools are also places where young people experience bullying and peer/teacher conflict. Mental health problems are of increasing concern for school communities with impacts for students, teachers, and principals. Student and staff voices are vital to understanding and improving wellbeing at school.

Researchers in C4IE’s Health and Wellbeing Program investigate the many varied components that contribute to positive school environments, including:

  • Children’s rights, student voice, participation and representation,
  • Intersection between digital technologies, student safety and wellbeing, including cyberbullying, social media, mobile phones in schools,
  • Connectedness between students, teachers, school, community and culture,
  • Safety, protection, and risk at school including bullying, restraint, seclusion, school violence, restorative and restrictive practices, classroom management, school climate, absenteeism, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and suicide,
  • Programs and interventions including; School wellbeing and mental health initiatives, Positive Behaviour Intervention Supports, resilience programs, and trauma-informed practices, and
  • Teachers’ emotional management, burnout and wellbeing.


Health and Wellbeing Program Co-Leaders

Professor Jenna Gillett-Swan

Kristin Laurens

Associate Professor Kristin Laurens

Current projects

Recent publications

Levels of Involvement with Child Protection Services Associated with Early Adolescent Police Contact as a Victim and Person of Interest

Tzoumakis, Stacy, Whitten, Tyson, Laurens, Kristin R, Dean, Kimberlie, Harris, Felicity, Carr, Vaughan J, Green, Melissa J (2024) Levels of Involvement with Child Protection Services Associated with Early Adolescent Police Contact as a Victim and Person of Interest. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
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Thriving in vertical schools: aspirations for inclusion and capability from a salutogenic design perspective

Willis, Jill, Gillett-Swan, Jenna, Franz, Jill, Farahnak Majd, Narges, Carroli, Linda, Gallagher, Jeanine, Bray, Elise (2024) Thriving in vertical schools: Aspirations for inclusion and capability from a salutogenic design perspective. Learning Environments Research.

Best practice in psychoeducational assessment: beyond the manual

Gilmore, Linda, Campbell, Marilyn, Howard, Glenn, Ting, Claire (2024) Best Practice in Psychoeducational Assessment: Beyond the Manual. Educational and Developmental Psychologist.

Cohort Profile Update: The New South Wales Child Development Study (NSW-CDS) - Wave 3 (child age -18 years)

Green, Melissa J, Watkeys, Oliver J, Harris, Felicity, O'Hare, Kirstie, Whitten, Tyson, Tzoumakis, Stacy, Laurens, Kristin R, Carpendale, Emma J, Dean, Kimberlie, Carr, Vaughan J (2024) Cohort Profile Update: The New South Wales Child Development Study (NSW-CDS) - Wave 3 (child age -18 years). International Journal of Epidemiology, 53 (3), pp.Article number: dyae069.
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Patterns of health service use for children with mental disorders in an Australian state population cohort.

Watkeys, Oliver J., O'Hare, Kirstie, Dean, Kimberlie, Laurens, Kristin R, Tzoumakis, Stacy, Harris, Felicity, Carr, Vaughan J., & Green, Melissa J. (2024) Patterns of health service use for children with mental disorders in an Australian state population cohort.. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.

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Student wellbeing in vertical schools: a multilayered student voice approach for inclusion and influence

Gillett-Swan Jenna, Willis Jill, & Miles Prue. (2024) Student wellbeing in vertical schools: a multilayered student voice approach for inclusion and influence. Springer Link.

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Clinical and functional outcomes at 7-year follow-up of children presenting putative antecedents of schizophrenia at age 9-12 years

Kristin Laurens, Cullen E. Alexis, Roberts E, Ruth, & Fisher, L. Helen (2024) Clinical and functional outcomes at 7-year follow-up of children presenting putative antecedents of schizophrenia at age 9-12 years. Schizophrenia.

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Amplifying children’s voices: Sustainable Development Goals and inclusive design for education and health architecture

Gillett-Swan, Jenna K, Burton, Lindy Osborne (2023) Amplifying children's voices: Sustainable Development Goals and inclusive design for education and health architecture. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25 (1), pp.87-91.
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Polydrug use in Australian 12-14 year olds from 2006 to 2017 : An examination of drug use profiles, emotional control problems, and family relationship characteristics

Kelly, Adrian, Munnings, Andrew, Zhao, Xiang, Roland, Bosco, Laurens, Kristin R., Campbell, Marilyn, Williams, Joanna, Bailey, Jennifer A., Killingly, Callula, Abimanyi-Ochom, Julie, et al. (2023) Polydrug use in Australian 12-14 year olds from 2006 to 2017: An examination of drug use profiles, emotional control problems, and family relationship characteristics. Australian Journal of Psychology, 75 (1), pp.Article number: 2174705.
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Out-of-home care characteristics associated with childhood educational underachievement, mental disorder, and police contacts in an Australian population sample

O'Hare, Kirstie, Tzoumakis, Stacy, Watkeys, Oliver, Katz, Ilan, Laurens, Kristin R, Butler, Merran, Harris, Felicity, Carr, Vaughan J, Green, Melissa J (2023) Out-of-home care characteristics associated with childhood educational underachievement, mental disorder, and police contacts in an Australian population sample. Child Abuse & Neglect, 139, pp.Article number: 106120.
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Conditions of Birth and Early Childhood Developmental Risk for Mental Disorders

Harris, Felicity, Dean, Kimberlie, Watkeys, Oliver J, Laurens, Kristin R, Tzoumakis, Stacy, Carr, Vaughan J, Green, Melissa J (2023) Conditions of Birth and Early Childhood Developmental Risk for Mental Disorders. Child Psychiatry and Human Development.
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Self-harm and suicidal ideation among young people is more often recorded by child protection than health services in an Australian population cohort

Kirstie O’Hare, Oliver Watkeys, Kimberlie Dean, Stacy Tzoumakis, Tyson Whitten, Felicity Harris, Krisin R Laurens, Vaughan J Carr, and and Melissa J Green (2023) Self-harm and suicidal ideation among young people is more often recorded by child protection than health services in an Australian population cohort. SAGE Journals.

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Responsibilities of speech-language pathologists in supporting children’s rights: more than listening

McAllister, L., Carroll, C., Gillett-Swan, J. and McGill, N. (2023) Responsibilities of speech-language pathologists in supporting children’s rights: more than listening. .

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Cumulative comorbidity between neurodevelopmental, internalising, and externalising disorders in childhood: a network approach

Watkeys, Oliver J., O'Hare, Kirstie, Dean, Kimberlie, Laurens, Kristin R, Harris, Felicity, Carr, Vaughan J., Green, Melissa J. (2023) Cumulative comorbidity between neurodevelopmental, internalising, and externalising disorders in childhood: a network approach. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
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Student voice and teacher voice in educational research: a systematic review of 25 years of literature from 1995–2020

Gillett-Swan, J., & Baroutsis, A (2023) Student voice and teacher voice in educational research: a systematic review of 25 years of literature from 1995–2020. Oxford Review of Education.

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Comparing the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students at Mainstream Schools, Alternative (Flexi) Schools and Unemployed School-Aged Youth

Wright, Nicole, Campbell, Marilyn (2022) Comparing the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students at Mainstream Schools, Alternative (Flexi) Schools and Unemployed School-Aged Youth. In Sia, Surendra Kumar, Crane, Lauren S., Jain, Ajay K., Bano, Shabana (Eds.), Understanding Psychology in the Context of Relationship, Community, Workplace and Culture, pp.107-119.

School-Based Mental Health Promotion and Early Intervention Programs in New South Wales, Australia: Mapping Practice to Policy and Evidence

Laurens, Kristin R., Graham, Linda J., Dix, Katherine L., Harris, Felicity, Tzoumakis, Stacy, Williams, Kate E., Schofield, Jill M., Prendergast, Traci, Waddy, Neale, Taiwo, Mary, et al. (2022) School-Based Mental Health Promotion and Early Intervention Programs in New South Wales, Australia: Mapping Practice to Policy and Evidence. School Mental Health, 14 (3), pp.582-597.
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