Study with us
The Centre for Inclusive Education is a group of academics and HDR students with a common interest in students’ educational experiences and outcomes.
Key strengths include: bullying, children’s rights, classroom interactions, dis/engagement, equity; student achievement, behaviour, diversity and voice; inclusive education, learning design and environments, school discipline policy and practice, and teacher-student relationships.
If you are interested in researching a related topic, why not join our team of Higher Degree Research students and enrol in an M.Phil, EdD or PhD?
Our supervisors are leaders in their fields and offer exceptional mentoring support. You’ll be part of an exciting research culture with regular seminars and workshops.
What topics can I research?
The PhD topics below have been developed to align with current and emerging areas of interest among C4IE members.
- What are the most common behaviour management practices used in Australian schools and to what extent do these respect the rights of the child?
- Investigating the prevalence of, reasons for and alternatives to informal suspension and restrictive practices in Australian schools.
- How can teachers best support students in their social emotional learning/social understanding?
- Creating Inclusive Learning Futures: A study of inclusive teachers embracing risk and innovation.
- What will it take to close special schools? A critical analysis of policy, intent, and practice.
- How can university teaching become more inclusive? Evaluating the impact of universal principles on the engagement and learning of students in tertiary education.
- Building inclusive school environments: Supporting young people’s agency and wellbeing through voice-informed co-design.
The above topics are suggestions and you can adapt them to fit your specific interest or develop another topic relating to your own experiences and concerns.