B.Eng. (Hons) (Medical)/ B.Sc. (Chemistry)
Selina is a Research Engineer in the Biomechanics and Spine Research Group (BSRG) and the QUT Sealy Centre for Biomechanics and Sleep Research. During her undergraduate studies at the Queensland University of Technology, she completed her Work-Integrated Learning experience with the BSRG research team (2019-2020) on the Sealy Australia collaborative project, supervised by Assoc. Professor Paige Little. Since then, she has completed her undergraduate studies and been awarded a double degree in a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Medical Engineering) and Bachelor of Science (Chemistry), and returned to work with the BSRG team as a research engineer.
Her current research with the BSRG involves the next phase of the Sealy Australia Project as well as supporting the implementation of the first Paediatric Australian Spine Registry at the Queensland Children’s Hospital proudly supported by the Spine Society of Australia. Selina’s interests are in implementing coding for autonomy in large data sets for processing and analysis. These skills are vital to her role in the current Sealy project where she is translating and interpreting the biomechanical properties found in various imaging datasets into answers and insights about comfort in various lying postures.