Dr Madge Martin

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    Former PhD Student

    Madge Martin worked with the BSRG team as part of a joint PhD scheme between Universite Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) in France and QUT in Brisbane, Australia.  Madge’s PhD thesis was entitled “Bone remodeling and mechanomics: bridging organs, tissue and cell scales to understand bone structure and function.” Her work involved the development of a theoretical framework to describe bone remodelling from the cellular to the organ scale.  She was supervised by Professors Vittorio Sansalone, Modélisation et Simulation Multi-Echelle, Université Paris-Est and Prof. Peter Pivonka and Assoc. Prof. Paige Little from BSRG Team, QUT, Brisbane. Prior to her PhD studies, Madge graduated from Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, respectively in Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering. Her areas of interest comprise biomechanics and biomaterials, focusing on hard tissue.

    In 2020, Madge was awarded a prestigious ‘Best PhD Thesis’ prize from the Society of Biomechanics in France.