BSc (Biomedical Sciences, extended Major), MD (UQ 2022), MPhil (UQ 2023)
Fraser Labrom completed his MPhil with the BSRG team in 2023, after previously working with the group in 2018 during his undergraduate Biomedical Sciences studies. This work investigated bone metabolism biomarkers in paediatric scoliosis. While completing his medical degree at the University of Queensland, Fraser’s clinician-scientist MD-MPhil program afforded him the opportunity to concurrently pursue both his medical studies and exciting new research topics in the field of spinal biomechanics. Fraser’s higher research degree with the spine research group at QUT focused on the growth patterns of paediatric scoliosis as it develops in the growing adolescent using a unique sequential MRI dataset provided by the QUT BSRG team. The project characterised, for the first time, the 3D patterns of scoliosis as it develops in the growing spine. This work will contribute to the improvement of scoliosis screening methods, especially early detection, and ultimately the overall healthcare outcomes for these young patients. Fraser completed all the milestones required for his MPhil in December 2022 and was awarded with both his Medical Degree and Masters Degrees shortly after. Fraser’s supervisory team included: Adjunct Professor Geoff Askin, Associate Professor Paige Little, Maree Izatt and Dr Andrew Claus.