Dr Bethany Keenan

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    Currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom

    B.Eng (Honours), PhD

    Bethany Keenan joined the BSRG team in November 2011 after having gained her Bachelor of Medical Engineering degree from Cardiff University in Wales, UK.  Her PhD studies at QUT in Brisbane were supported by the BSRG’s inaugural Florence Wilson PhD Scholarship which was awarded to Beth after a highly competitive round of international applications until her successful PhD completion in mid-2015.  Her PhD Thesis was entitled ‘Medical Imaging and Biomechanical Analysis of Scoliosis Progression in the Growing Adolescent Spine’.

    During her PhD studies she spent a nine month period working with her Principal Supervisor, Professor Clayton Adam at the Laboratoire de Biomécanique, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech in France. Dr Keenan was prolific in her publication output from her doctoral years with four first author papers and a further four scientific publications co-authored with the BSRG team, as well as preparing a PhD Thesis of the very highest standard. Her work was presented to both Australian and international audiences on more than fifteen occasions in eight different countries which also demonstrates the high level of productivity during her time with the BSRG.  This culminated in 2016 when the Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders journal named two BSRG papers in a list of the ’10 most influential articles of 2015’ with one of these articles having Dr Keenan as first author (Keenan BE, Pettet GJ, Izatt MT, Askin GN, Labrom RD, Pearcy MJ, Adam CJ. Gravity-induced coronal plane joint moments in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Scol & Spinal Dis 2015, 10:35)

    “I would like to acknowledge the late Prof Clayton Adam for introducing me to such an exciting field of research and for all his advice, inspiration and encouragement during my time in Brisbane and Paris. I will always remember this wonderful opportunity”, said Dr Keenan.