Support the BSRG

Prof. Clayton Adam (left), with Spine Orthopaedic Surgeon Prof. Geoff Askin (right) and a young spine deformity patient with Halo Gravity traction.
A/Professor Paige Little 3D scanning a scoliosis patient preparing for scoliosis correction surgery.













Donations to the Biomechanics & Spine Research Group (BSRG) can be made quickly and easily online, as a one-off gift, a gift in your Will or a recurring donation through this Giving Page.  Select us from the drop-down list –  ‘Biomechanics & Spine Research Group’.  If you contact the ‘Giving to QUT’  or QUT Philanthropy departments, please ensure you stipulate your gift is to go to the Biomechanics & Spine Research Group.

If you would like your one-off or recurring gift to go directly to the ‘Clayton Adam Florence Wilson Award’ PhD Scholarship, to support excellent higher degree students working in the field of Biomechanics and Spine Research, please click on this link – Clayton Adam Florence Wilson Award’ 

QUT staff can contact the philanthropy team via if you would like to support the BSRG with a regular payroll deduction.

We thank you for your kind and generous support of our research activities which directly impact patient care.