RMO Queensland X-Ray Masters Position – Now Closed!
Two-year Clinical/M.Phil position in the Orthopaedics Department at the Queensland Children’s Hospital, Brisbane.
This two year position, sponsored annually by Queensland X-Ray and Children’s Health Queensland, is open each year for applications from June – mid July. Applications for 2025 interviews will close midnight Sunday July 20, 2025, with interviews held shortly after.
This position is open to SHO’s and PHO’s, and is clinically located in the Orthopaedic Department at the Queensland Children’s Hospital, Brisbane and with a Research base at the Centre for Children’s Health Research. It is separate to the annual RMO Campaign but the position does commence on the same day (1st Monday of February each year), in line with other medical positions. Salary is at PHO level (plus on-call) and has the full support of the QCH Director of Orthopaedics. In the first year of the position, one day a week is rostered away from clinical duties at the hospital for work towards the Master’s degree project. In the second year the candidate will have four days per week away from clinical duties to complete their MPhil degree requirements through QUT.
The National AOA Training Committee has provided us with the assurance that the QUT M.Phil degree is eligible for 2 points towards applications to enter the AOA Orthopaedic Training Program.
This 2 year clinical/research position has been offered annually since 2006 and has seen many candidates go on to enter the Orthopaedic Training Program (RACS).
Master’s degree supervision is provided by the QUT Biomechanics & Spine Research Group (BSRG) and Spinal Orthopaedic Surgeons, Adjunct Professors Geoff Askin, Robert Labrom and Simon Gatehouse. This long standing unique program directly impacts clinical practice in the management and treatment of spinal deformity and disorders as well as training the next generation of research-active Orthopaedic Surgeons in applied techniques for evidence-based research.
For enquiries please contact us.
What projects are our Queensland X-Ray sponsored Clinical-Masters Students working on?
Dr Mark Rainey – Latest Project update hereDr Grace Pulling – Latest project update here