Industry Leadership Day – Leveraging the Shared Data Economy

The shared data economy driven by open data, big data, and technology such as Blockchain, will fundamentally change business models and the way management and boards guide and execute plans.

Opportunities are significant, but what are the risks? Do you have the knowledge and skills to ensure business strategies are successfully executed?

On October 13, the QUT Graduate School of Business will run an ‘Industry Leadership Day’ devoted to this highly relevant trend in business. We will aim to more clearly define:

– What the shared data economy means
– How leading businesses are looking to leverage the trend
– The technology driving data models such as “Blockchain”
– The new management and governance challenges it presents
– The Commercial Implications of a shared data business model and the rise of Strategic Alliances

Facilitators include:

Guy Hamilton: Guy has extensive experience and a track record of accomplishment as a senior executive in one of the world’s largest financial institutions and more recently as a business mentor and coach. In addition to a variety of roles as a senior executive with HSBC, Guy has been a CEO, senior executive and director of various legal and regulated entities in a number of markets across Western and Eastern Europe, the UK, Asia and Africa.

Assoc Prof. Glen Murphy: Glen is an Associate Professor within the QUT Graduate School of Business and Director of the School’s MBA program.  Building on his early experiences in retail management, Glen is a self-described “technology enhanced educator” with a strong track record in building and delivering innovative, valuable and applied tertiary education courses.  In 2014 he was awarded the prestigious Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) / Pearson Management Educator of the Year Award.

Professor Marcus Foth: Marcus Foth is Professor of Urban Informatics in the QUT Design Lab, Creative Industries Faculty at QUT. Professor Foth’s research brings together people, place, and technology. His transdisciplinary work is at the international forefront of human-computer interaction research and development with a focus on smart cities, community engagement, media architecture, internet studies, ubiquitous computing, and sustainability. Read more about Professor Marcus Foth here.

+ more to be announced! For more information please visit the event site here.



Start Date: 13/10/2018
Start Time: 9:00AM
End Date: 13/10/2018
End Time: 4:00PM
Cost: $30pp (incl. GST). All proceeds to be donated to the QUT Learning Potential Fund. Includes full day workshop, lunch and post-event refreshments
Organiser: Tim Burton
Register: Register

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