Additive Manufacturing-Enabled Local Manufacturing of PPE
The scale of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent collapse of the global supply chain has led to an acute worldwide shortage of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers. In response, many groups around the world are seeking to develop novel solutions to ensure local supply. N95/P2 respiratory masks are one of the critical components for reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus and protecting frontline workers.
The Biofabrication & Tissue Morphology group, in partnership with clinicians and healthcare managers from the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital (Metro North Hospital & Health Service), have reviewed the most significant and up-to-date literature around N95/P2 filter fundamentals, manufacturing and reuse, and aims to serve as an authoritative resource for the development of novel COVID-19 respiratory masks.
Read our pre-print version here: N95_COVID-19_LiteratureReview_2020_Submission
This project is supported by an Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowship as part of the special COVID-19 round. The fellowship was awarded to Dr Naomi Paxton, who will be leading the project. The research team will be using our 3D scan, model and print technology to develop better-fitting facemasks for QLD clinicians – a fantastic partnership with 3D Systems, CSIRO & Metro North Hospital and Health Services.
For those participating in our survey on N95 mask usage, view the participant information here: ETH_Survey_Information-Sheet_V2_20210215