Tong Li

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BEST Student

BBus(Finance); MBus(AppFin); MPhil (Behavioural E & F)

Thesis topic

Will people lie? Experimental research on empathy and information strategies in the financial market.

Thesis project

Investors, especially retail investors, rely on available information to make investment decisions. It might be difficult for them to process relevant information to make informative investments because of their limited time, attention, and financial knowledge. This makes the information intermediary such as retail banking salespeople and financial advisors vital for them. However, the information intermediary’s willingness to share and the reliability of information might be impacted by her empathy and other factors. This project experimentally investigates this relation and provides biological indicators for a better understanding of ethical behaviour in the financial industry.

This project is related to improving the welfare of both the employees and clients in the retail banking industry by exploring the influence of several behavioural economics in different financial circumstances based on experimental evidence.

Supervisor details

Professor Benno Torgler – Principal Supervisor – School of Economics and Finance – QUT Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Ho Fai (Ben) Chan – Associate Supervisor – School of Economics and Finance – QUT Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Sean Wu– Associate Supervisor – School of Economics and Finance – QUT Faculty of Business and Law