B.Com (Marketing), MA – Fashion, PhD
Thesis topic
“Do your eyes give you away: Consumer reactance and privacy concerns to biometrically determining the price for goods and services”
Thesis project
This thesis looks at adapting the price of goods based on biometrically tracking the customer in real time. This thesis develops new privacy concepts such as individuals’ collective privacy, privacy variance and the novel technology of adapting prices with eye tracking.
Ryan is excited to be a part of the BEST Centre while completing his doctoral research. Ryan’s broader research focuses on how adaptive technology can disrupt current consumer behaviour literature. His research studies biometrics, privacy, online profiling and access to information influencing behavioural outcomes.
Supervisor details
Professor Brett Martin – Principal Supervisor – AMPR – QUT Faculty of Business and Law
Dr Sven Tuzovic – Associate Supervisor – AMPR – QUT Faculty of Business and Law
Dr Shasha Wang – Associate Supervisor – AMPR – QUT Faculty of Business and Law