Robert Plummer

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PhD Student

MBA (QUT); B.Com(Hons) Griffith; AssDip Elect Eng (QUT)

Thesis topic

“Governance of Reconciliation Actions Plans”

Thesis project

This research problem can be separated into two elements; governance and performance. Firstly, the issue of reconciliation orientation or governance of RAPs will be examined given the different approaches taken.

The second element of the research examines the performance of RAPs. A RAP aims is to deliver positive outcomes in the three areas of Respect, Relationships and Opportunity, and supports the five dimensions of reconciliation.

The literature area that will be examined includes Corporate Social Responsibility and the theoretical frameworks identified include Legitimacy Theory, Stewardship Theory and Agency Theory.

Supervisor details

Dr Annette Quayle – Principal Supervisor – Accountancy – QUT Business School

Prof Peter Anderson – Associate Supervisor – Executive Director, Carumba Institute

Prof Rebekah Russell-Bennett – Associate Supervisor – AMPR – QUT Business School