Master of Science in International Business with Distinction – Organisation: Management, Consultancy & Change | Maastricht University (MSc) Bachelor of Business Administration in People and Business Management | Zuyd University (BBA)
Thesis topic
“The Impact of Frontline Service Robots on the Customer Experience and Customer Choice in High Contact Service Settings”
Thesis project
Given organizational benefits of service robots, their market will drastically expand, changing the service delivery models across most service sectors. It is of utmost importance to understand how and to what extent these robots transform customer behaviour and customer experience, making sure that productivity and other organizational benefits of service robots do not come at the price of service excellence. My research attempts to enrich our understanding of real-life robot adoption and the impact of service robots on customer choice and experience.
BEST Conference 2022 Presentation | “Human-Robot encounters in hotels: exploring motivational drivers underlying the impact of service robots on the overall service experience”
Service robots: rising or falling stars?
What is the impact of service robots in hospitality, healthcare, and during the COVID-19 pandemic? In this video, get a glimpse of some of the research being done on this topic at the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics, in collaboration with different industry partners.
Supervisor details
Dr Frank Mathmann – Principal Supervisor – AMPR – QUT Business School
Prof Gaby Odekerken-Schröder – Principal Supervisor – Maastricht University
Prof Rebekah Russell-Bennett – Associate Supervisor – AMPR – QUT Business School
Prof Dominik Mahr – Associate Supervisor – Maastricht University