Associate Professor Laura Bray

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Deputy Program Lead (Healthcare Innovation and Changing Behaviours)

Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology), Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) (Queensland University of Technology), Bachelor of Science (University of Sunshine Coast)

Laura Bray is currently an Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow at QUT, and Deputy Director of the ARC Training Centre for Cell and Tissue Engineering Technologies. She received her PhD degree in tissue engineering at the Queensland Eye Institute and QUT in 2012. At the end of 2012, A/Prof Bray was awarded the inaugural Prime Minister’s Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Postdoctoral Award (awarded to only one woman in Australia), which she accepted and joined the Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research in Dresden, Germany. After 3 years working in Dresden, A/Prof Bray received a National Breast Cancer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship and moved her research to QUT in 2016. Through the use of state of the art matrix engineering techniques, her work has led to a number of significant advances in knowledge in the area of 3D tissue engineering and culture techniques. Her work has helped to clarify the potential role of the matrix environment in 3D cell cultivation and has provided new insights into mimicking the natural tissue environment in vitro. In 2021, A/Prof Bray was awarded an ARC Future Fellowship to improve our understanding of the biological mechanisms that drive blood vessel formation and function using bioengineered models.

    Main areas of research:

    • - Development of 3D cancer models
    • - Role of angiogenesis in tumour development
    • - Cross-talk of cancer cells with their microenvironment
    • - Role of the surrounding microenvironment in cancer progression and metastasis
    • - Blood vessel formation and heterogeneity

    Tissue microenvironments are influenced by many mechanical, chemical and cellular processes which cannot be depicted in 2D cell culture. The Bray Lab is developing highly sophisticated 3D models of various tissue microenvironments in order to more accurately mimic cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions which occur during normal and malignant development. A major focus of our lab is endothelial cell heterogeneity and tumour angiogenesis. Through these culture models, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the role of the microenvironment in directing cell fate and during disease development. These models have the potential to be utilised as research platforms for fundamental biological studies, as a drug testing platform for pre-clinical trials, and can be used to study novel therapeutic targets for cancer patients.

    Projects (Chief investigator)


    Additional information

    Recipient of a Nationally Competitive Research Fellowship
    Reference year
    ARC Discovery - Future Fellowship
    Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
    Reference year
    AVBS Achievement and Career Development Award
    Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
    Reference year
    QLD Young Tall Poppy Award