Professor Gary Mortimer

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BEST Collaborator

Professor Gary Mortimer is an active researcher in the areas of food retailing, retail marketing and consumer behaviour.

Prior to joining QUT, Gary spent over 25 years working with some of Australia’s largest general merchandise and food retailers. In 2020, he was appointed as the Chair of the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) Consumer Research Advisory Committee and to the Expert Advisory Group for the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Employment Zones Reform. Professor Mortimer also sits on the editorial boards or the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and International Journal of Bank Marketing.

Widely recognized as Australia’s leading retail expert, he is a regular commentator across mainstream media, newspapers, current affairs, television, radio and trade publications. He is the highest read QUT author on The Conversation, with over 3.2 million reads of his 80 articles.  Professor Mortimer continues to work closely the retail sector through consultancy arrangements and keynote addresses.

Projects (Chief investigator)