Professor Daniel Johnson

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Chief Investigator

PhD (University of Queensland)

Research discipline:

Computer Science Dr. Daniel Johnson leads the QUT Games Research and Interaction Design Lab and is a Professor in the Bachelor of Games and Interactive Entertainment.  He has completed Bachelors and Honours degrees in Psychology, a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education and a doctorate on the psychology of human-computer interactions and video games. Daniel has also worked in the games industry with companies such as NextGenVideos and The Binary Mill. His research interests include motivations for videogame play, the player experience, the impact of videogames on wellbeing, and gamification. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge working for the Engineering Design Centre and remains an Affiliate of the Cambridge University Well-being Institute. Over the past decade, Daniel has undertaken consultancies exploring usability, user experience and design issues in entertainment and non-leisure software. He is the Chair of the Steering Committee for the ACM conference on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY).

Projects (Chief investigator)

Additional information

Daniel's research has a real-world focus and has involved a number of collaborations with industry. He has worked closely with the Movember Foundation (on the Mindmax and WellPlayed! projects), conducted a Researcher in Business placement with The Binary Mill and has been involved in multiple cooperative research centres (including Young and Well CRC, Smart Services CRC and the Australasian CRC for Interaction Design).

Engaging Augmented Reality on 3D Head Up Displays to Reduce Risky Driving
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Make and Connect: Enabling People to Connect through their Things
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Human-Computer Interaction; Participatory Design; User-centred Design
Visual Analytics for Next Generation Sequencing
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Visual Analytics; Bioinformatics - Next Generation Sequencing; Big Data - Large Scale Visualisation