Chelsea Phillips

PhD Student

BBus (Marketing) with Distinction & BFA (Interactive and Visual Design) with Distinction, BBus (Honours) majoring in Marketing with First Class Honours at QUT. Currently completing a Doctor of Philosophy

Thesis topic

The Robotic Service Trilemma: Understanding human wellbeing within the service triad

Thesis project

While a seemingly distant future, frontline service environments are quickly adopting service robots to provide novelty, enable contactless services, and more recently, to replace frontline employees to maximise the number of government mandated customer limits. However, while practitioners are quickly embracing this exciting future, previous optimistic implementations of service robots have seen practitioners re-employ once-removed frontline employees due to the prevalence of high service failures, and subsequent impacted actor wellbeing within the service triad (customer, frontline employee, and organisation). This research seeks to understand the wellbeing implications for human actors within the service triad due to the introduction of service robots.

BEST Conference 2021 Presentation | “Just Walk Out? Exploring the Challenges of Ambient Intelligence for Customer Experience, Effort and Memorability”

BEST Conference 2022 Presentation | “When frontline employees decide to work alongside service robots: a wellbeing and performance approach”


Supervisor details

Prof Rebekah Russell-Bennett – Principal Supervisor – AMPR – QUT Business School

Prof Dr Gaby Odekerken-Schröder – Principal Supervisor – School of Business and Economics – Maastricht University

Prof Dr Dominik Mahr – Associate Supervisor – School of Business and Economics – Maastricht University

Dr Kate Letheren – Associate Supervisor – AMPR – QUT Business School


  • Phillips, C., Russell-Bennett, R., & Kowalkiewicz, M. (2022). The Physical Frictionless Experience: A Slippery Slope for Experience Memorability of Retail Services? Service Industries Journal, 1-62.

Projects (Chief investigator)
