Aleksandra Van Hummel

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PhD Student

1st Class Honours Degree in Psychological Science from UQ & Postgraduate Certificate in Behavioural Economics from QUT

Thesis topic

“The Development of an Australian Energy Trust Index”

Thesis project

The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer has revealed low and declining levels of trust across all Australian Institutions. This is especially true for the energy sector which has been ranked the 3rd least trusted Australian industry with only 51% of the general population trusting them to do the right thing. Among others, trust has the ability to increase consumers’ confidence, value and engagement. It can therefore be a key factor in increasing the adoption rate of new best practise technology and initiatives that aim to lower consumers energy bills and emissions, as well as improve energy reliability, efficiency and affordability at the network level. The development of this comprehensive multi-data sourced energy index therefore aims to help improve institutions trust building strategies along with consumers ability to identify energy organisations that offer trustworthy products and services.

Supervisor details

Prof. Rebekah Russell-Bennett – Principle Supervisor – AMPR – QUT Faculty of Business and Law

Prof. Ian Lings – Associate Supervisor – AMPR – QUT Faculty of Business and Law

Prof. Terry Flew – External Supervisor – Digital Communications and Culture – University of Sydney

Dr John Gardner – External  Supervisor – Monash University

Projects (Chief investigator)
