Project dates: 2016 - 2022
This project examines emergent workers’ (young people with physical disabilities aged 18-30) transition to work daily experiences in order to inform policy design and contribute to enhanced delivery of services supporting employment access, choice and self-determination.
In Australia, young people with disabilities have lower workforce participation than their peers. Little is known about the role of online and mobile technologies in daily experiences, rhythms, and contexts of everyday journeys to work of people with disabilities. This focus is the point of difference in this research study.
What did we do?
This study investigated the daily life experience of young people with disabilities and the way they organise their access to work in order to further understand: how technologies shape people’s social participation and virtual-actual access to services and economic life; virtual or physical connections and disconnections, and the role of technologies in people’s mobility; and current and latent needs to be addressed in the design of future services.
For more information about this project, please email:
Chief Investigators
- Prof Greg Marston, Lead CI, UQ (Social Sciences)
- Prof Judy Drennan, CI, QUT (Business)
- Dr Lisa Stafford, CI, QUT (Health)
- Lisa Hamilton, Research Associate, UQ
- Dr Carla Sartori, RMIT
Funding / Grants
- ARC Linkage (2016 - 2018)
- Stafford, Lisa, Marston, Greg, Mitchell, Sammy, Beatson, Amanda, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella (2020) Insights into young people with disabilities’ education to work journeys: Submission to Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability on Employment Issues
- Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Beatson, Amanda, Sartori do Amaral, Carla, Stafford, Lisa, Marston, Greg, Adkins, Barbara (2020) Connecting the dots for seamless journeys to work: From lived experiences to seamless scenarios of mobility. In Christer, Kirsty, Craig, Claire, Chamberlain, Paul (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health: Amsterdam, 2020.Vol. 1., pp.94-103.
- Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Beatson, Amanda, Sartori do Amaral, Carla, Tuzovic, Sven, Stafford, Lisa, Marston, Gregory (2020) Seamless journeys to work: A multifaceted approach to exploring daily journeys to work experiences of young people with disabilities. In Boess, Stella, Cheung, Ming, Cain, Rebecca (Eds.), Proceedings of DRS2020 Synergy: Co-Creation.Vol. 3., Proceedings of DRS, pp.1201-1215.
- Beatson, Amanda, Riedel, Aimee, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Marston, Gregory, Stafford, Lisa (2020) Increasing the independence of vulnerable consumers through social support. Journal of Services Marketing, 34 (2), pp.223-237.
- Beatson, Amanda, Riedel, Aimee, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Marston, Greg, Stafford, Lisa (2020) Encouraging young adults with a disability to be independent in their journey to work: A segmentation and application of Theory of Planned Behaviour approach. Heliyon, 6 (2), pp.Article number: e034201-10.
- Sartori do Amaral, Carla, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Beatson, Amanda, Tuzovic, Sven (2020) When mobility becomes a challenge: A human-centred approach to understand the needs of people with disabilities. SERVSIG Conference: High Tech and High Touch: The Future of Human Service, (11th), pp.357-359.
- Beatson, Amanda, Riedel, Aimee, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Marston, Greg, Stafford, Lisa (2021) Factors influencing the journey to work for young people with physical and/or neurological conditions. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43 (9), pp.1270–1278.
- Stafford, Lisa, Marston, Greg, Beatson, Amanda, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Drennan, Judy (2019) Interpretative accounts of work capacity assessment policy for young adults with disabilities. Disability and Society, 34 (6), pp.885-903.
- Stafford, Lisa, Marston, Greg (2019) Using interpretive policy analysis to uncover meanings about disability employment and income policy regarding young adults and education-employment pathways. SAGE Research Methods Cases Part 2, pp.1-17.
- Sartori Do Amaral, Carla, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Beatson, Amanda, Tuzovic, Sven (2019) Enabling self-determination through transformative service design and digital technologies: studying mobility experiences of people with disability. In Evans, M (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019, pp.1-16.
- Sartori Do Amaral, Carla, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Beatson, Amanda T., Tuzovic, Sven (2019) Participants as the experts: A design perspective on transformative research enquire. 17th Qualitative Methods Conference.
- Sartori Do Amaral, Carla, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Beatson, Amanda, Tuzovic, Sven (2018) A transformative design framework for online service delivery to enable self-determination. Doctoral Consortium at OzCHI 2018: 30th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
- Marston, Greg, Stafford, Lisa, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Beatson, Amanda, Drennan, Judy (2017) Seamless journeys to work for young adults with physical / Neurological disabilities: Stage 1 Report - Disability employment policy and program influences on education-to-employment transition for young adults
- Stafford, Lisa, Marston, Gregory, Chamorro-Koc, Marianella, Beatson, Amanda, Drennan, Judy (2017) Why one size fits all approach to transition in Disability Employment Services hinders employability of young people with physical and neurological disabilities in Australia. The Journal of Industrial Relations, 59 (5), pp.631-651.