Seamless Journeys to Work for Young Adults with Physical Disabilities

Project dates: 2016 - 2022

This project examines emergent workers’ (young people with physical disabilities aged 18-30) transition to work daily experiences in order to inform policy design and contribute to enhanced delivery of services supporting employment access, choice and self-determination.

In Australia, young people with disabilities have lower workforce participation than their peers. Little is known about the role of online and mobile technologies in daily experiences, rhythms, and contexts of everyday journeys to work of people with disabilities. This focus is the point of difference in this research study.

What did we do?

This study investigated the daily life experience of young people with disabilities and the way they organise their access to work in order to further understand: how technologies shape people’s social participation and virtual-actual access to services and economic life; virtual or physical connections and disconnections, and the role of technologies in people’s mobility; and current and latent needs to be addressed in the design of future services.

For more information about this project, please email:

Chief Investigators


  • Prof Greg Marston, Lead CI, UQ (Social Sciences)
  • Prof Judy Drennan, CI, QUT (Business)
  • Dr Lisa Stafford, CI, QUT (Health)
  • Lisa Hamilton, Research Associate, UQ
  • Dr Carla Sartori, RMIT


Funding / Grants

  • ARC Linkage (2016 - 2018)
