Project dates: 2022 - Ongoing
This research aims to develop an easy reference tool that classifies nudges into different categories.
Why is this important?
This will assist researchers and practitioners in their understanding of nudges and allow them to more easily find and apply the nudge they need.
What did we do?
So far, a literature review has been undertaken and a final report is pending. Watch this space!
Three research questions were crafted to help develop the classification of nudges:
- Within the context of a given article, how was their Nudge framework applied? For example – which industry or country were the researchers focusing on?
- How was their Nudge framework developed? For example – did they rely on pre-existing frameworks such as MINDSPACE or IPPME, or did they create a novel taxonomy?
- What is the effectiveness of different Nudges? Which Nudges should be prioritised in a given classification system?
What did we find out?
The literature review has resulted in some preliminary insights pertaining to these research questions
Application of Nudge Framework
The majority of articles related to the healthcare industry. These included studies of nudging patients, usually in the context of improving eating habits and promoting better nutrition. The other side the coin was nudging clinicians to improve their medical decision making
How Nudge Framework was Developed
Some studies further developed the MINDSPACE framework, while others relied on the Taxonomy of Choice Architecture Techniques. Studies which built upon previous taxonomies usually developed are more nuanced, coherent and complete picture of nudging
Effectiveness of Different Nudges
Studies that spent the time developing a taxonomy weren’t usually quantitative, they didn’t focus on the effectiveness of nudging in certain contexts. This makes it difficult to figure out exactly which nudges would be more desirable than others. It seems to be highly context specific and results vary significantly.
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