Research Seminar with Professor David Stadelmann

Female Preferences in the Electorate and Political Representation by Female and Male Legislators


Exploiting an informative institutional setting, we identify female preferences for legislative proposals in the electorate. We then analyze whether female or male politicians in parliament correspond more closely to revealed female preferences using data on 41549 individual decisions made by 768 distinct politicians. Holding constant constituent preferences, female politicians tend to correspond more closely to female preferences in the electorate. These substantive differences in representation are driven by legislative proposals related to social and redistribution policies. For other policies, we find that the legislative decisions of female politicians do not correspond more closely to female preferences in the electorate than legislative decisions of male politicians. We also observe relevant heterogeneity with respect to age of politicians and the vote margin in the final vote.


Prof. Dr. David Stadelmann studied Economics (MA/BA) as well as Mathematics (MSc/BSc) at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) where he received his PhD in 2010 in Economics and Social Sciences. He has been professor at the University of Bayreuth (Germany) since 2013 (call at age of 29). He is a committed educationalist. Stadelmann’s research interests include economic policy, political economics, institutional economics as well as the broad field of development. He has authored over 80 scientific publications. He regularly publishes in non-academic outlets such as magazines, blogs as well as newspapers (over 150 contributions), and serves as a regular guest at conferences around the world. He was awarded diverse research prices including the “Reinhard-Selten-Preis” (German Economic Association), the “Ludwig-Erhard-Preis” (Ludwig Erhard Foundation), or the Science Price of the Region of Vorarlberg (Austria). He is among the TOP Young Economists in Austria, Germany and Switzerland according to “Forschungsmonitoring” and among the top 10% of autors according to RePEc.  He is a research fellow at numerous international institutions such as the Ostrom Workshop at Indiana University (USA). Since 2015 he is an editor of the peer-reviewed journal Kyklos–International Review for Social Sciences.



Location: QUT Gardens Point Campus, Z Block, Level 10, The Gibson Room
Start Date: 09/03/2023 [add to calendar]
Start Time: 10 am
End Date: 09/03/2023
End Time: 11 am
Organiser: The Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology (BEST)