The acceleration of biomedical technologies such as surgical and health-service robots, 3D printing technologies for surgical procedures, and virtual healthcare technologies, can save lives, be more efficient and cost-effective, and improve patient experiences. However, research shows that both medical professionals and consumers can be resistant towards the adoption these technologies. One reason that explains this resistance are behavioural biases. Behavioural biases, pioneered by Kahneman & Tversky (1972) and Tversky & Kahneman (1974), explains the irrationality behind human decision-making, perceptions and judgements. These biases include both cognitive and emotional biases. Behavioural biases have been studied in behavioural economics, social psychology and cognitive science, however, their uses extend to marketing, medical, management and entrepreneurial research (Zhang & Cueto, 2017). The BEST Centre’s program of research “Bias and resistance in adoption of biomedical innovation” explores reactions to models of shared decision making, how expert surgeon, breast care nurses, and novice patients communicate and make effective choices, preferences for robots to perform surgical procedures and the customer experience of emerging technology in the surgical field.