Doctor of Philosophy (Griffith University), Graduate Certificate (Queensland University of Technology)
Professor Gary Mortimer is an active researcher in the areas of food retailing, retail marketing and consumer behaviour.
Prior to joining QUT, Gary spent over 25 years working with some of Australia’s largest general merchandise and food retailers. In 2020, he was appointed as the Chair of the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) Consumer Research Advisory Committee and to the Expert Advisory Group for the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Employment Zones Reform. Professor Mortimer also sits on the editorial boards or the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and International Journal of Bank Marketing.
Widely recognized as Australia's leading retail expert, he is a regular commentator across mainstream media, newspapers, current affairs, television, radio and trade publications. He is the highest read QUT author on The Conversation, with over 3.2 million reads of his 80 articles. Professor Mortimer continues to work closely the retail sector through consultancy arrangements and keynote addresses.
Previous Industry Projects
- 2018: Examining Consumers Loyalty and Trust of Retail Brands. Prepared for Elevate and Customology Australia.
- 2018: Identifying the external factors which impact profitability of a franchised retail business. Prepared for National Retailers Association, Australia.
- 2017: Maroochydore City Centre Retail 2040 – The Future is Bright – Produced and funded by Sun Central and Sequel PR.
- 2017: WOW Switching Moments – Executive Summary and Future Directions - Produced and funded by Woolworths Pty Ltd.
- 2017: Interrupting Moments - Stage 1 - Produced and funded by Woolworths Pty. Ltd.
- 2017: Interrupting Moments - Stage 2 - Produced and funded by Woolworths Pty. Ltd.
- 2016: Understanding the drivers and barriers to extended retail trading hours for regional communities – Warwick - Prepared for and funded by National Retailers Association.
- 2016: Understanding the drivers and barriers to extended retail trading hours for regional communities – Pittsworth - Prepared for and funded by National Retailers Association.
- 2016: Understanding the drivers and barriers to extended retail trading hours for regional communities – Stanthorpe - Prepared for and funded by National Retailers Association
- 2015: Investigating the impact of extended four day Christmas retail closures in regional cities. Prepared for the Retailers Association of Australia
- 2014: Understanding the drivers and barriers to extended retail trading hours for regional communities – Prepared for and funded by National Retailers Association
- 2013: Leaders in Local: Exploring Consumers‘ Purchase Intentions of Locally Produced Foods. Prepared for and funded by Woolworths Supermarkets.
- 2013: Determining Customer Profiles and Shopping Motives. Prepared for and funded by Precision Group (Macarthur Central)
- 2011: Investigating the Value Proposition for Frozen Meat Products. Prepared for and funded by IMT Meats Pty Ltd.
Current Research Projects
Associate Professor Mortimer is currently recruiting high performing Honours, Masters and PhD students to work with him on important and emergent research topics.
Self-gifting: identifying cultural differences Self-gifting: examining contexts and categories The demise of the ethical shopper: shifting non-ethical consumption to ethical behaviour
Additional information
Professor Gary Mortimer is an active researcher in the areas of food retailing, retail marketing and consumer behaviour.
Prior to joining QUT, Gary spent over 25 years working with some of Australia’s largest general merchandise and food retailers. In 2020, he was appointed as the Chair of the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) Consumer Research Advisory Committee and to the Expert Advisory Group for the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Employment Zones Reform. Professor Mortimer also sits on the editorial boards or the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and International Journal of Bank Marketing.
Widely recognized as Australia's leading retail expert, he is a regular commentator across mainstream media, newspapers, current affairs, television, radio and trade publications. He is the highest read QUT author on The Conversation, with over 3.2 million reads of his 80 articles. Professor Mortimer continues to work closely the retail sector through consultancy arrangements and keynote addresses.
Previous Industry Projects
- 2018: Examining Consumers Loyalty and Trust of Retail Brands. Prepared for Elevate and Customology Australia.
- 2018: Identifying the external factors which impact profitability of a franchised retail business. Prepared for National Retailers Association, Australia.
- 2017: Maroochydore City Centre Retail 2040 – The Future is Bright – Produced and funded by Sun Central and Sequel PR.
- 2017: WOW Switching Moments – Executive Summary and Future Directions - Produced and funded by Woolworths Pty Ltd.
- 2017: Interrupting Moments - Stage 1 - Produced and funded by Woolworths Pty. Ltd.
- 2017: Interrupting Moments - Stage 2 - Produced and funded by Woolworths Pty. Ltd.
- 2016: Understanding the drivers and barriers to extended retail trading hours for regional communities – Warwick - Prepared for and funded by National Retailers Association.
- 2016: Understanding the drivers and barriers to extended retail trading hours for regional communities – Pittsworth - Prepared for and funded by National Retailers Association.
- 2016: Understanding the drivers and barriers to extended retail trading hours for regional communities – Stanthorpe - Prepared for and funded by National Retailers Association
- 2015: Investigating the impact of extended four day Christmas retail closures in regional cities. Prepared for the Retailers Association of Australia
- 2014: Understanding the drivers and barriers to extended retail trading hours for regional communities – Prepared for and funded by National Retailers Association
- 2013: Leaders in Local: Exploring Consumers‘ Purchase Intentions of Locally Produced Foods. Prepared for and funded by Woolworths Supermarkets.
- 2013: Determining Customer Profiles and Shopping Motives. Prepared for and funded by Precision Group (Macarthur Central)
- 2011: Investigating the Value Proposition for Frozen Meat Products. Prepared for and funded by IMT Meats Pty Ltd.
2013: Online Customer Experience: What is the experience and how is it different for frequent and Current Research Projects
Dr Mortimer is currently recruiting high performing Honours, Masters and PhD students to work with him on important and emergent research topics.
Examining the Asian consumers’ perceptions of Australian fresh foods
Clinical trials or pharmacist advice: The influence on health consumers' perceptions of trust and decision making
The demise of the ethical shopper: shifting non-ethical consumption to ethical behaviour
Do packaging aesthetics affect perceptions of taste and purchase intentions?
Do shoppers really care about buying local foods?
The sport of shopping: conceptualisation and scale development
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- QUT Vice-Chancellor Excellence Individual Award - Partnerships and Engagement
- Type
- Appointment to Prestigious Positions
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- Editorial Board International Journal of Bank Marketing
- Type
- Appointment to Prestigious Positions
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- Editorial Board Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
- Type
- Advisor/Consultant for Industry
- Reference year
- 2019
- Details
- Industry judge National Retailer Awards
- Type
- Advisor/Consultant for Industry
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- Industry judge National Retailer Awards
- Type
- Appointment to Prestigious Positions
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- Advisory Board Member Retail and Marketing Review South Africa
- Type
- Advisor/Consultant for Community
- Reference year
- 2017
- Details
- Water Talks: The Inconvenient Truth of Bottled Water - Prepared for and presented at the World Science Festival Brisbane, Saturday 25 March 2017
- Type
- Advisor/Consultant for Industry
- Reference year
- 2017
- Details
- The future of Retail in Australia - Presented to Tasmania Industry and Business Associations, Hobart August 25th
- Type
- Appointment to State/National/International Reference Group or Government Committees
- Reference year
- 2017
- Details
- Queensland Government Container Recycling Scheme Industry Working Group - Advisory role - 2017
- Type
- Advisor/Consultant for Industry
- Reference year
- 2019
- Details
- Develop resources - Data analytics for Retailers - Video Resources - Prepared for the National Retailers Association - Funding attained $52,552
- Adapa, S., Fazal-E-Hasan, S., Makam, S., Azeem, M. & Mortimer, G. (2020). Examining the antecedents and consequences of perceived shopping value through smart retail technology. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52.
- Mortimer, G., Grimmer, L. & Fazal-E-Hasan, S. (2019). Examining consumer purchase intentions of non-prescription medicines in supermarkets and community pharmacies. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 27(3), 232–240.
- Fazal-E-Hasan, S., Mortimer, G., Lings, I. & Drennan, J. (2019). Examining customer-oriented positive deviance intentions of retail employees. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 47(8), 836–854.
- Chell, K., Mortimer, G. & Russell-Bennett, R. (2020). Exploring psychological determinants of sharing donor recognition on social networking sites. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 25(3).
- Mortimer, G. & Weeks, C. (2019). How unit price awareness and usage encourages grocery brand switching and expenditure. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 49, 346–356.
- Fazal-E-Hasan, S., Mortimer, G., Lings, I., Sekhon, H. & Howells, K. (2021). Managing relationships: Insights from a student gratitude model. Research in Higher Education, 62(1), 98–119.
- Mortimer, G., Lings, I., Kelly, L., Kim, J., Fazal-E-Hasan, S. & Ahmadi, H. (2020). Online repurchasing: The role of information disclosure, hope, and goal attainment. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 54(1), 198–226.
- Kharouf, H., Sekhon, H., Fazal-E-Hasan, S., Hickman, E. & Mortimer, G. (2019). The role of effective communication and trustworthiness in determining guests' loyalty. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 28(2), 240–262.
- Mortimer, G., (2018). Examining the impact of trust and perceived risk on purchase intentions of unscheduled medicines in supermarkets. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 48(2), 124–131.
- Mortimer, G., Fazal-E-Hasan, S., O'Donnell, K. & Strebel, J. (2018). Measuring the experience of off-price fashion shopping: Scale development and validation. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 22(4), 454–475.