Dr Michelle Riedlinger

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Senior Lecturer

Dr of Philosophy (Communication) (University of Queensland)

Michelle Riedlinger joined QUT's School of Communication in July 2020. Her research interests include online communication of environmental, agricultural and health research, emerging roles for “alternative” science communicators, evidence-based fact checking practices and public engagement in science. Her research is informed by theories of media, cultural approaches to science, social identity, and pragmatic linguistics. She is a co-investigator on Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)-funded projects investigating the online circulation of health research and online explanatory journalism. She has worked as a science communication practitioner for over 25 years. As a communication consultant, she has worked on projects focussed on climate variability, dryland salinity, ecology, catchment management, and river health. She has facilitated over two hundred training workshops for researchers in media skills, presentation skills, professional writing, communication planning, and poster design.

Michelle is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Science Communication (JCOM). She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Global Network, and she chairs the Web and Social Media Sub-Committee.

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