List of publications
Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi, Bashar, Md Abul (2020) Understanding the Spatio-temporal Topic Dynamics of Covid-19 using Nonnegative Tensor Factorization: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2020, pp.1218-1225. []
Bashar, Md Abul, Nayak, Richi (2020) TAnoGAN: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2020, pp.1778-1785. []
Wee, Chee, Nayak, Richi (2020) Adaptive Data Replication Optimization Based on Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp.1210-1217. []
Bashar, Md Abul, Nayak, Richi, Suzor, Nicolas (2020) Regularising LSTM classifier by transfer learning for detecting misogynistic tweets with small training set. Knowledge and Information Systems, 62 (10), pp.4029-4054. []
Mohotti, Wathsala, Nayak, Richi (2020) Efficient outlier detection in text corpus using rare frequency and ranking. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 14 (6), pp.Article number: 71. []
Luong, Khanh, Nayak, Richi (2020) Learning Inter- and intra-manifolds for matrix factorization-based multi-aspect data clustering. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. []
Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi, Yuen, Chau, Kang, U. (2020) Efficient Nonnegative Tensor Factorization via Saturating Coordinate Descent. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 14 (4), pp.Article number: 40. []
Kutty, Sangeetha, Nayak, Richi, Turnbull, Paul, Chernich, Ron, Kennedy, Gavin, Raymond, Kerry (2020) PaperMiner - a real-time spatiotemporal visualization for newspaper articles. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 35 (1), pp.83–100. []
Luong, Thi Ngoc Khanh, Nayak, Richi (2020) A Novel Approach to Learning Consensus and Complementary Information for Multi-View Data Clustering. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering, pp.865-876. []
Ibrahim, Rosziati, Ahmed, Maryam, Nayak, Richi, Jamel, Sapiee (2020) Reducing redundancy of test cases generation using code smell detection and refactoring. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 32 (3), pp.367-374. []
Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi, Yuen, Chau, Tian, Yu-Chu (2020) Column-wise element selection for computationally efficient nonnegative coupled matrix tensor factorization. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, pp.1-14. []
Mohotti, Wathsala, Nayak, Richi (2020) Deep hierarchical non-negative matrix factorization for clustering short text. In Yang, Haiqin, Pasupa, Kitsuchart, Leung, Andrew Chi-Sing, Kwok, James T., Chan, Jonathan H., King, Irwin (Eds.), Neural Information Processing: 27th International Conference, ICONIP 2020, Bangkok, Thailand, November 23–27, 2020, Proceedings, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.270-282. []
Mohotti, Wathsala, Nayak, Richi (2020) Efficient outlier detection in text corpus using rare frequency and ranking. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 14 (6), pp.Article number: 71. []
Kutty, Sangeetha, Nayak, Richi, Turnbull, Paul, Chernich, Ron, Kennedy, Gavin, Raymond, Kerry (2020) PaperMiner - a real-time spatiotemporal visualization for newspaper articles. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 35 (1), pp.83–100. []
Bashar, Md Abul, Nayak, Richi, Suzor, Nicolas (2020) Regularising LSTM classifier by transfer learning for detecting misogynistic tweets with small training set. Knowledge and Information Systems, 62 (10), pp.4029-4054. []
Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi, Bashar, Md Abul (2020) Understanding the Spatio-temporal Topic Dynamics of Covid-19 using Nonnegative Tensor Factorization: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2020, pp.1218-1225. []
Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi, Yuen, Chau, Kang, U. (2020) Efficient Nonnegative Tensor Factorization via Saturating Coordinate Descent. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 14 (4), pp.Article number: 40. []
Mohotti, Wathsala, Nayak, Richi (2020) Deep hierarchical non-negative matrix factorization for clustering short text. In Yang, Haiqin, Pasupa, Kitsuchart, Leung, Andrew Chi-Sing, Kwok, James T., Chan, Jonathan H., King, Irwin (Eds.), Neural Information Processing: 27th International Conference, ICONIP 2020, Bangkok, Thailand, November 23–27, 2020, Proceedings, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.270-282. []
Bashar, Md Abul, Nayak, Richi (2020) TAnoGAN: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2020, pp.1778-1785. []
Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi, Yuen, Chau, Tian, Yu-Chu (2020) Column-wise element selection for computationally efficient nonnegative coupled matrix tensor factorization. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, pp.1-14. []
Luong, Khanh, Nayak, Richi (2020) Learning Inter- and intra-manifolds for matrix factorization-based multi-aspect data clustering. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. []
Wee, Chee, Nayak, Richi (2020) Adaptive Data Replication Optimization Based on Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp.1210-1217. []
Luong, Thi Ngoc Khanh, Nayak, Richi (2020) A Novel Approach to Learning Consensus and Complementary Information for Multi-View Data Clustering. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering, pp.865-876. []
Suzor, Nicolas (2020) Understanding content moderation systems: new methods to understand internet governance at scale, over time, and across platforms. In Whalen, Ryan (Ed.), Computational Legal Studies: The Promise and Challenge of Data-Driven Research, Elgar Studies in Legal Research Methods, pp.166-189. []
Wee, Chee, Nayak, Richi (2019) Adaptive database's performance tuning based on reinforcement learning. In Ohara, Kouzou, Bai, Quan (Eds.), Knowledge Management and Acquisition for Intelligent Systems: 16th Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 11669), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.97-114. []
Bashar, Md Abul, Nayak, Richi (2019) QutNocturnal@HASOC'19: CNN for hate speech and offensive content identification in Hindi language. In Mehta, Parth, Rosso, Paolo, Majumder, Prasenjit, Mitra, Mandar (Eds.), Working Notes of FIRE 2019 - Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation. Vol. 2517., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp.237-245. []
Luong, Khanh Thi Ngoc (2019) Clustering methods for multi-aspect data []
Wee, Chee, Nayak, Richi (2019) Data replication optimization using simulated annealing. In Le, Thuc D., Liu, Lin, Ong, Kok-Leong, Zhao, Yanchang, Jin, Warren H., Wong, Sebastien, Williams, Graham (Eds.), Data Mining - 17th Australasian Conference, AusDM 2019, Proceedings, Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.222-234. []
Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi, Yuen, Chau (2019) Sparsity constraint nonnegative tensor factorization for mobility pattern mining. In Nayak, Abhaya C., Sharma, Alok (Eds.), PRICAI 2019: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 16th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 11671), pp.582-594. []
Luong, Thi Ngoc Khanh, Nayak, Richi (2019) Clustering multi-view data using non-negative matrix factorization and manifold learning for effective understanding: A survey paper. In Padmanabhan D, D, Jurek-Loughrey, A (Eds.), Linking and mining heterogeneous and multi-view data (Springer's Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning), pp.201-227. []
Wee, Chee, Nayak, Richi (2019) A novel machine learning approach for database exploitation detection and privilege control. Journal of Information and Telecommunication, 3 (3), pp.308-325. []
Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi, Yuen, Chau (2019) Transfer Learning via Feature Selection Based Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. In Cheng, Reynold, Mamoulis, Nikos, Sun, Yizhou, Huang, Xin (Eds.), Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2019 20th International Conference, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.82-97. []
Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi, Yuen, Chau (2019) Nonnegative coupled matrix tensor factorization for smart city spatiotemporal pattern mining. In Nicosia, Giuseppe, Giuffrida, Giovanni, Nicosia, Giuseppe, Pardalos, Panos, Sciacca, Vincenzo, Umeton, Renato (Eds.), Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science: 4th International Conference, LOD 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 11331), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.520-532. []
Tennakoon Mudiyanselage, Gayani Tennakoon, Nayak, Richi (2019) MH-DAGMiner: maximal hierarchical sub-DAG mining in directed weighted networks. Knowledge and Information Systems, 61 (1), pp.431-462. []
Wee, Chee, Nayak, Richi (2019) Adaptive load forecasting using reinforcement learning with database technology. Journal of Information and Telecommunication, 3 (3), pp.381-399. []
Lie, Hendi, Lukas, Darren, Liebig, Jonathan, Nayak, Richi (2019) A novel learning-to-rank method for automated camera movement control in e-sports spectating. In Warwick, Graco, Stirling, David, Islam, Rafiqul, Koh, Yun Sing, Islam, Zahidul, Li, Chang-Tsun, Zhao, Yanchang (Eds.), Data Mining: 16th Australasian Conference, AusDM 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 996), Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.149-160. []
Tennakoon Mudiyanselage, Gayani Tennakoon, Luong, Thi Ngoc Khanh, Mohotti, Wathsala, Chakravarthy, Sharma, Nayak, Richi (2019) Multi-type relational data clustering for community detection by exploiting content and structure information in social networks. In Nayak, Abhaya C., Sharma, Alok (Eds.), PRICAI 2019: Trends in Artificial Intelligence - 16th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.541-554. []
Münch, Felix Victor (2019) Measuring the networked public: Exploring network science methods for large scale online media studies []
Tennakoon Mudiyanselage, Gayani Tennakoon, Nayak, Richi (2019) FCMiner: mining functional communities in social networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 9 (1), pp.Article number: 20 1-19. []
Bashar, Md Abul, Nayak, Richi, Suzor, Nicolas, Weir, Bridget (2019) Misogynistic tweet detection: Modelling CNN with small datasets. In Islam, Zahidul, Zhao, Yanchang, Koh, Yun Sing, Islam, Rafiqul, Li, Chang-Tsun, Warwick, Graco, Stirling, David (Eds.), Data Mining: 16th Australasian Conference, AusDM 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 996), Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.3-16. []
Marakkalage, Sumudu Hasala, Sarica, Serhad, Pik Lik Lau, Billy, Kadaba, Viswanath Sanjana, Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Yuen, Chau, Yuen, Belinda, Luo, Jianxi, Nayak, Richi (2019) Understanding the lifestyle of older population: Mobile crowdsensing approach. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 6 (1), pp.Article number: 8590770 82-95. []
Woodley, Alan, Tang, Eric, Geva, Shlomo, Nayak, Richi, Chappell, Timothy (2019) Parallel K-Tree: A multicore, multinode solution to extreme clustering. Future Generation Computer Systems, 99, pp.333-345. []
Luong, Thi Ngoc Khanh, Nayak, Richi (2019) Clustering multi-view data using non-negative matrix factorization and manifold learning for effective understanding: A survey paper. In Padmanabhan D, D, Jurek-Loughrey, A (Eds.), Linking and mining heterogeneous and multi-view data (Springer's Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning):, pp.201-227. []
Mohotti, Wathsala Anupama, Lukas, Darren Christopher, Nayak, Richi (2019) Concept mining in online forums using self-corpus-based augmented text clustering. In Nayak, Abhaya C., Sharma, Alok (Eds.), PRICAI 2019: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 16th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.397-402. []
Wee, Chee Keong, Nayak, Richi (2019) Data replication optimization using simulated annealing. The 17th Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM’19). []
Wee, Chee, Nayak, Richi (2019) An approach to compress and represents time series data and its application in electric power utilities. In Koh, Yun Sing, Warwick, Graco, Li, Chang-Tsun, Islam, Rafiqul, Stirling, David, Zhao, Yanchang, Islam, Zahidul (Eds.), Data Mining: 16th Australasian Conference, AusDM 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 996), Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.107-120. []
Kapugama Geeganage, Dakshi, Xu, Yue, Li, Yuefeng (2019) Topic representation using semantic-based patterns. In Le, Thuc D., Liu, Lin, Ong, Kok-Leong, Zhao, Yanchang, Jin, Warren H., Wong, Sebastien, Williams, Graham (Eds.), Data Mining: 17th Australasian Conference, AusDM 2019, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science book series, Volume 1127), Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.28-40. []
Moniruzzaman, A. B.M., Nayak, Richi, Tang, Maolin, Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu (2019) Fine-grained type inference in knowledge graphs via probabilistic and tensor factorization methods. In Liu, Ling, White, Ryen (Eds.), Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference WWW 2019, The Web Conference 2019 - Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2019, pp.3093-3100. []
Wee, Chee, Nayak, Richi (2018) Alternate approach to Time Series reduction. In Shanthini, J (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Soft-Computing and Network Security (ICSNS), pp.1-4. []
Tennakoon Mudiyanselage, Gayani Tennakoon, Nayak, Richi (2018) Discovering influence hierarchy based on frequent social interactions. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, (50496), pp.575-576. []
Amadoru, Malmi, Fielt, Erwin, Kowalkiewicz, Marek, Nayak, Richi (2018) Organizing visions in online social networks: The role of community heterogeneity and real-time engagement. In Nickerson, R, Baskerville, R (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2018 Conference, pp.1-9. []
Hamilton, Grant, Swann, Levi, Dawson, Akira, Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi, Hearn, Greg (2018) Horizon scan 6: November, 2018 (Publication No. 18-080). Horizon Scanning - Opportunities for New Technologies and Industries. []
Hamilton, Grant, Swann, Levi, Dawson, Akira, Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Nayak, Richi (2018) Horizon scan 5: September, 2018 (Publication No. 18-082). Horizon Scanning - Opportunities for New Technologies and Industries. []
Eden, Rebekah, Burton-Jones, Andrew (2018) Beyond effective use: A journey to understand inconsistencies in use. In Ram, S, Rosemann, M, Pries-Heje, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2018, pp.3627-3635. []
Buckingham, Lawrence, Geva, Shlomo, Hogan, Jim (2018) Protein database search using compressed k-mer vocabularies. In Thomas, P, Koopman, B, Trotman, A (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Australasian Document Computing Symposium, pp.1-7. []
Griswold, Max, Fullman, Nancy, Hawley, Caitlin, Arian, Nicholas, Zimsen, Stephanie, Morawska, Lidia, other, and (2018) Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. The Lancet, 392 (10152), pp.1015-1035. []
Marvaniya, Smit, Saha, Swarnadeep, Dhamecha, Tejas, Foltz, Peter, Sindhgatta Raja, Renuka, Sengupta, Bikram (2018) Creating scoring rubric from representative student answers for improved short answer grading. In Cuzzocrea, A (Ed.), Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pp.993-1002. []
Verenich, Ilya (2018) Explainable predictive monitoring of temporal measures of business processes []
Hasala, Marakkalage Sumudu, Pik Lik Lau, Billy, Kadaba, Viswanath Sanjana, Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Yuen, Chau, Yuen, Belinda, Nayak, Richi (2017) Identifying points of interest for elderly in Singapore through mobile crowdsensing. In Klein, C, Helfert, M, Donnellan, B (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, Volume 1, pp.60-66. []
Pik Lik Lau, Billy, Hasala, Marakkalage Sumudu, Kadaba, Viswanath Sanjana, Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu, Yuen, Chau, Yuen, Belinda, Nayak, Richi (2017) Extracting point of interest and classifying environment for low sampling crowd sensing smartphone sensor data. In Ganti, R, Kanhere, S S (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops 2017), pp.1-6. []
Woodley, Alan, Chappell, Timothy, Geva, Shlomo, Nayak, Richi (2017) Using web services to fuse remote sensing and multimedia data repositories. Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference 2017, pp.1-8. []
Woodley, Alan, Tang, Eric, Geva, Shlomo, Nayak, Richi, Chappell, Timothy (2016) Using parallel hierarchical clustering to address spatial big data challenges. In Hu, X, Ak, R, Xu, W, Yu, P S, Liu, L, Xia, Y, Sat, A H, Joshi, J, Ungar, L, Karypis, G, et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp.2692-2698. []
Woodley, Alan, Geva, Shlomo, Nayak, Richi, Chappell, Timothy (2016) Introducing the Sky and the Social Eye. Multimedia Benchmark Workshop, pp.1-3. []
Dorkhom, Michael, Woodley, Alan, Geva, Shlomo, Nayak, Richi (2016) WIMBY: What's in my backyard?. ACM International Conference on Multimedia, (42293), pp.714-716. []
Noor Ifada, Noor Ifada, Nayak, Richi (2016) How relevant is the irrelevant data: Leveraging the tagging data for a learning-to-rank model. In Bennett, P N, Josifovski, V (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, pp.23-32. []
Woodley, Alan, Chappell, Timothy, Geva, Shlomo, Nayak, Richi (2016) Efficient feature selection and nearest neighbour search for hyperspectral image classification. In Liew, A W C, Gao, Y, Zhou, J, Wang, Z, Lovell, B, Fookes, C, Blumenstein, M (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), pp.193-200. []
Hou, Jun, Schulz, Ruth, Wyeth, Gordon, Nayak, Richi (2015) Finding within-organisation spatial information on the web. In Renz, J, Pfahringer, B (Eds.), AI 2015: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 28th Australasian Joint Conference, Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9457], pp.242-248. []
Sutanto, Taufik Edy, Nayak, Richi (2015) Semi-supervised document clustering via loci. In Li, T, Wang, J, Wang, D, Wang, H, Chen, S C, Zhang, Y, Cellary, W (Eds.), Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2015: 16th International Conference, Proceedings, Part II [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9419], pp.208-215. []
De Vries, Christopher, De Vine, Lance, Geva, Shlomo, Nayak, Richi (2015) Parallel streaming signature EM-tree: A clustering algorithm for web scale applications. In Zhai, C, Gummadi, K (Eds.), Preceedings of the 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2015), pp.216-226. []
Hou, Jun, Nayak, Richi (2015) Robust clustering of multi-type relational data via a heterogeneous manifold ensemble. In Shim, K, Gehrke, J, Lehner, W (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st IEEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pp.615-626. []
Noor Ifada, Noor Ifada, Nayak, Richi (2015) Do-Rank: DCG optimization for learning-to-rank in tag-based item recommendation systems. In Ho, T, Cao, T, Lim, E, Zhou, Z, Cheung, D, Motoda, H (Eds.), Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 19th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2015 Proceedings, Part II [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9078], pp.510-521. []
Chowdhury, Israt Jahan, Nayak, Richi (2015) FreeS: A fast algorithm to discover frequent free subtrees using a novel canonical form. In Li, T, Wang, J, Wang, D, Wang, H, Chen, S C, Zhang, Y, Cellary, W (Eds.), Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2015: 16th International Conference, Proceedings, Part I [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9418], pp.123-137. []
Chen, Lin, Vallmuur, Kirsten, Nayak, Richi (2015) Injury narrative text classification using factorization model. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 15 (S1), pp.Article number: S5 1-12. []
Torao-Pingi, Sharon, Nayak, Richi (2015) Understanding people relationship: Analysis of digitised historical newspaper articles. In Renz, J, Pfahringer, B (Eds.), AI 2015: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 28th Australasian Joint Conference, Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9457], pp.572-588. []
Nayak, Richi, Bose, Aishwarya (2015) A data mining based method for discovery of web services and their compositions. In Weiss, G, Lessmann, S, Abou-Nasr, M, Stahlbock, R (Eds.), Real world data mining applications [Annals of Information Systems, Volume 17], pp.325-342. []
Emerson, Daniel, Nayak, Richi, Weligamage, Justin (2015) Data mining the relationship between road crash and skid resistance. In Ma, L, Lee, W B, Choi, B, Mathew, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2012) [Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering], pp.229-240. []
McKinnon, Caroline, Baazeem, Ibtehal, Angus, Daniel (2015) How few is too few? Determining the minimum acceptable number of LSA dimensions to visualise text cohesion with Lex. In Hachey, B, Webster, K (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop 2015, pp.75-83. []
Liu, Jiajun, Zhao, Kun, Sommer, Philipp, Shang, Shuo, Kusy, Brano, Jurdak, Raja (2015) Bounded Quadrant System: Error-bounded trajectory compression on the go. In Shim, K, Gehrke, J, Lehner, W (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 31st International Conference on Data Engineering, pp.987-998. []
Shaw, Gavin, Nayak, Richi (2014) A case study of utilising concept knowledge in a topic specific document collection. In Li, X, Liu, L, Ong, K L, Zhao, Y (Eds.), Data Mining and Analytics 2014: Proceedings of the 12th Australasian Data Mining Conference [Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 158], pp.149-156. []
Noor Ifada, Noor Ifada, Nayak, Richi (2014) An efficient tagging data interpretation and representation scheme for item recommendation. In Li, X, Liu, L, Ong, K L, Zhao, Y (Eds.), Data Mining and Analytics 2014: Proceedings of the 12th Australasian Data Mining Conference [Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 158], pp.205-215. []
Chowdhury, Israt Jahan, Nayak, Richi (2014) Identifying product families using data mining techniques in manufacturing paradigm. In Li, X, Liu, L, Ong, K L, Zhao, Y (Eds.), Data Mining and Analytics 2014: Proceedings of the 12th Australasian Data Mining Conference [Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 158], pp.113-120. []
Noor Ifada, Noor Ifada, Nayak, Richi (2014) A two-stage item recommendation method using probabilistic ranking with reconstructed tensor model. In Chin, D, Ricci, F, Dolog, P, Kuflik, T, Houben, G J, Dimitrova, V (Eds.), User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization: 22nd International Conference, UMAP 2014, Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8538], pp.98-110. []
Sutanto, Taufik Edy, Nayak, Richi (2014) The ranking based constrained document clustering method and its application to social event detection. In Lee, M L, Jensen, C S, Dyreson, C, Bhowmick, S S, Thalheim, B, Muliantara, A (Eds.), Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 19th International Conference, DASFAA 2014, Proceedings, Part II [re Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8422], pp.47-60. []
Chowdhury, Israt Jahan, Nayak, Richi (2014) BEST : an efficient algorithm for mining frequent unordered embedded subtrees. In Pham, D N, Park, S B (Eds.), PRICAI 2014: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 13th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PRICAI 2014, Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8862], pp.459-471. []
Chowdhury, Israt Jahan, Nayak, Richi (2014) BOSTER : an efficient algorithm for mining frequent unordered induced subtrees. In Zhang, Y, Vakali, A, Bestavros, A, Benatallah, B, Manolopoulos, Y (Eds.), Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2014: 15th International Conference, Proceedings, Part I [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8786], pp.146-155. []
Nayak, Richi, Mills, Rachel, De Vries, Christopher, Geva, Shlomo (2014) Clustering and labeling a web scale document collection using Wikipedia clusters. In Yi, Z, Huang, Z, Kotoulas, S (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Web-scale Knowledge Representation Retrieval and Reasoning, pp.23-30. []
Chen, Lin, Vallmuur, Kirsten, Nayak, Richi (2014) Injury narrative text classification : a preliminary study. ACM International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Bioinformatics, pp.7-7. []
Seyfi, Majid, Geva, Shlomo, Nayak, Richi (2014) Mining discriminative Itemsets in data streams. In Zhang, Y, Vakali, A, Bestavros, A, Benatallah, B, Manolopoulos, Y (Eds.), Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2014: 15th International Conference, Proceedings, Part I [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8786], pp.125-134. []
Sutanto, Taufik Edy, Nayak, Richi (2014) Ranking based clustering for social event detection. In Choi, J, Jones, G, Larson, M, Schedl, M, Petkos, G, Ionescu, B, Anguera, X, Eskevich, M, Korshunov, P, Soleymani, M, et al. (Eds.), Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2014 Workshop [CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume, 1263], pp.1-2. []
Noor Ifada, Noor Ifada, Nayak, Richi (2014) Tensor-based item recommendation using probabilistic ranking in social tagging systems. In Chung, C W (Ed.), Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, pp.805-810. []
Nayak, Richi (2014) Two-way recommendation methods for social networks. Workshop on Ph.D Students as part of ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pp.33-34. []
Emerson, Daniel, Nayak, Richi, Weligamage, Justin (2014) Identifying differences in safe roads and crash prone roads using clustering data mining. In Ni, J, Lee, J, Mathew, J, Sarangapani, J (Eds.), Engineering Asset Management 2011: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual World Congress on Engineering Asset Management [Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering], pp.103-116. []
Buckingham, Lawrence, Hogan, Jim, Geva, Shlomo, Kelly, Wayne (2014) Locality-sensitive hashing for protein classification. In Li, X, Liu, L, Ong, K L, Zhao, Y (Eds.), Data Mining and Analytics 2014: Proceedings of the 12th Australasian Data Mining Conference [Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 158], pp.141-147. []
Chen, Lin, Emerson, Daniel, Nayak, Richi (2013) A novel process of group-oriented question reduction for rule-based recommendation websites. In Liu, L, Ong, K, Zhao, Y, Kennedy, P, Christen, P, Stranieri, A (Eds.), Data Mining and Analytics 2013: Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Data Mining Conference, AusDM 2013 [Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 146], pp.173-180. []
Sutanto, Taufik Edy, Nayak, Richi (2013) ADMRG @ MediaEval 2013 Social Event Detection. In Jones, G J F, Hauff, C, Larson, M, Reuter, T, Schedl, M, Anguera, X, Ionescu, B, Piatrik, T, Soleymani, M (Eds.), Proceedings of the MediaEval 2013 Multimedia Benchmark Workshop [CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume, 1043], pp.1-2. []
Chowdhury, Israt Jahan, Nayak, Richi (2013) A novel method for finding similarities between unordered trees using matrix data model. In Lin, X, Huang, G, Srivastava, D, Manolopoulos, Y (Eds.), Web Information Systems Engineering: 14th International Conference, WISE 2013, Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 8180], pp.421-430. []
Hou, Jun, Nayak, Richi (2013) A concept-based retrieval method for entity-oriented search. In Liu, L, Ong, K, Zhao, Y, Kennedy, P, Christen, P, Stranieri, A (Eds.), Data Mining and Analytics 2013: Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Data Mining Conference, AusDM 2013 [Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 146], pp.99-105. []
Hou, Jun, Nayak, Richi (2013) The heterogeneous cluster ensemble method using hubness for clustering text documents. In Lin, X, Huang, G, Srivastava, D, Manolopoulos, Y (Eds.), Web Information Systems Engineering: 14th International Conference, WISE 2013 [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 8180], pp.102-110. []
Chen, Lin, Nayak, Richi, Kutty, Sangeetha, Xu, Yue (2013) Users segmentations for recommendation. Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (28th), pp.279-280. []
Seyfi, Majid, Rawat, Rakesh, Weligamage, Justin, Nayak, Richi (2013) A data analytics case study assessing factors affecting pavement deflection values. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 8 (3), pp.199-226. []
Emerson, Daniel, Weligamage, Justin, Nayak, Richi (2013) A data mining driven risk profiling method for road asset management. In He, J, Koren, Y, Ghani, R, Parekh, R, Dhillon, I, Senator, T E, Bradley, P, Grossman, R L, Uthurusamy, R (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp.1267-1275. []
Chen, Lin, Nayak, Richi (2013) A reciprocal collaborative method using relevance feedback and feature importance. In Hu, X, Liau, C J, Treur, J, Raghavan, V (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT), Volume 1, pp.133-138. []
Chen, Lin, Nayak, Richi (2013) A recommendation approach dealing with multiple market segments. In Hu, X, Liau, C J, Treur, J, Raghavan, V (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT), Volume 1, pp.89-94. []
Hassanzadeh, Reza, Nayak, Richi (2013) A rule-based hybrid method for anomaly detection in online-social-network graphs. In Brodsky, A (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 25th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, pp.351-357. []
Hassanzadeh, Reza, Nayak, Richi (2013) A semi-supervised graph-based algorithm for detecting outliers in online-social-networks. In Hung, C C, Hong, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp.577-582. []
Nayak, Richi, Senellart, Pierre, Suchanek, Fabian, Varde, Aparna (2012) Discovering interesting information with advances in web technology. ACM SIGKDD Explorations, 14 (2), pp.63-81. []
Hassanzadeh, Reza, Nayak, Richi, Stebila, Douglas (2012) Analyzing the effectiveness of graph metrics for anomaly detection in online social networks. In Wang, X S, Cruz, I, Delis, A, Huang, G (Eds.), Web Information Systems Engineering: 13th International Conference, WISE 2012, Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 7651], pp.624-630. []
Chen, Lin, Nayak, Richi (2012) Leveraging the network information for evaluating answer quality in a collaborative question answering portal. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2 (3), pp.197-215. []
Hou, Jun, Nayak, Richi, Zhang, Jinglan (2012) Finding additional semantic entity information for search engines. In Sitbon, L, Trotman, A, Cunningham, S J (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth Australasian Document Computing Symposium, pp.115-122. []
Alsaleh, Slah, Nayak, Richi, Xu, Yue (2012) Grouping people in social networks using a weighted multi-constraints clustering method. In Essam, D, Abbass, H, Sarker, R (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp.1-8. []
Chen, Lin, Nayak, Richi, Xu, Yue (2012) A common neighbour based two-way collaborative recommendation method. In Shin, D (Ed.), Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp.214-215. []
Nayak, Richi, Rawat, Rakesh, Weligamage, Justin (2012) A data analytics application assessing pavement deflection factors for a road network. In Taniar, D, Khalil, I, Pardede, E, Steinbauer, M (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, pp.247-255. []
Amin, Md Al, Karim, Azharul, Nayak, Richi (2012) An innovative model for evaluating the leanness of manufacturing organizations. In Kilic, S, Seliger, G (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (10thGCSM): Towards implementing sustainable manufacturing, pp.46-51. []
Kutty, Sangeetha, Chen, Lin, Nayak, Richi (2012) A people-to-people recommendation system using Tensor
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Kutty, Sangeetha, Nayak, Richi, Tran, Tien (2012) A Study of XML models for data mining : representations, methods, and issues. In Tagarelli, A (Ed.), XML Data Mining: Models, Methods, and Applications, pp.1-28. []
Mittal, Namita, Nayak, Richi, Govil, Mahesh Chandra, Jain, Kamal Chand (2011) Personalised search – a hybrid approach for web information retrieval and its evaluation. International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence, 2 (2 - 3), pp.119-137. []
Algergawy, Alsayed, Mesiti, Marco, Nayak, Richi, Saake, Gunter (2011) XML data clustering: An overview. ACM Computing Surveys, 43 (4), pp.1-41. []
Chen, Lin, Nayak, Richi, Xu, Yue (2011) A recommendation method for online dating networks based on social relations and demographic information. In Ting, I, Memon, N, Alhajj, R (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2011, pp.407-411. []
Chen, Lin, Nayak, Richi (2011) Social network analysis of an online dating network. In Paay, J, Kjeldskov, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communities and Technologies 2011, pp.41-49. []
Kutty, Sangeetha, Nayak, Richi, Li, Yuefeng (2011) XML documents clustering using Tensor Space Model. In Cao, L, Huang, J Z, Srivastava, J (Eds.), Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 15th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2011 Proceedings, Part I [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6634], pp.488-499. []
Emerson, Daniel, Nayak, Richi, Weligamage, Justin (2011) Using data mining to predict road crash count with a focus on skid resistance values. In Patrick, S (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Surface Friction Conference, Safer Road Surfaces - Saving Lives, pp.1-18. []
Rawat, Rakesh, Nayak, Richi, Li, Yuefeng (2011) Improving web database search incorporating users query information. In Akerkar, R (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, pp.1-5. []
Rawat, Rakesh, Nayak, Richi, Li, Yuefeng, Alsaleh, Slah (2011) Aggregate distance based clustering using Fibonacci Series -FIBCLUS. In Du, X, Fan, W, Wang, J, Peng, Z, Sharaf, M A (Eds.), Web Technologies and Applications: 13th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2011, Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6612], pp.29-40. []
Rawat, Rakesh, Nayak, Richi, Li, Yuefeng (2011) Effective hybrid recommendation combining users-searches correlations using tensors. In Du, Xiaoyong, Fan, Wenfei, Wang, Jianmin, Peng, Zhiyong, Sharaf, Mohamed A (Eds.), Web Technologies and Applications: 13th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2011, Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6612], pp.131-142. []
Nayak, Richi, Emerson, Daniel, Weligamage, Justin, Piyatrapoomi, Noppadol (2011) Road crash proneness prediction using data mining. In Patel, J, Risch, T, Ailamaki, A, Senellart, P, Amer-Yahia, S, Stoyanovich, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, pp.521-526. []
Alsaleh, Slah, Nayak, Richi, Xu, Yue, Chen, Lin (2011) Improving matching process in social network using implicit and explicit user information. In Du, X, Fan, W, Wang, J, Peng, Z, Sharaf, M A (Eds.), Web Technologies and Applications: 13th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2011, Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6612], pp.313-320. []
Rawat, Rakesh, Nayak, Richi, Li, Yuefeng (2011) Identifying interests of web users for effective recommendations. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2 (1), pp.19-24. []
Rawat, Rakesh, Nayak, Richi, Li, Yuefeng (2011) Individual user behaviour modelling for effective web recommendation. In Alezee, I H, Tomar, G S, Mahmoud, S S, Thatcher, S (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2011 2nd International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and E-learning (IC4E 2011), pp.544-548. []
Nayak, Richi, Pitt, Ellen (2011) Assessment of cardiovascular disease risk prediction models: Evaluation methods. In Yu, J X, Kim, M H, Unland, R (Eds.), Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 16th International Conference, DASFAA 2011, Proceedings, Part II [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6588], pp.377-387. []
Alsaleh, Slah, Nayak, Richi, Xu, Yue (2011) Finding and matching communities in social networks using data mining. In Ting, I, Memon, N, Alhajj, R (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2011, pp.389-393. []
Emerson, Daniel, Nayak, Richi, Weligamage, Justin, Piyatrapoomi, Noppadol (2011) Identifying differences in wet and dry road crashes using data mining. In Ma, L, Tan, A, Lee, J, Mathew, J, Weijnen, M (Eds.), Engineering Asset Management and Infrastructure Sustainability: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2010), pp.195-210. []
De Vries, Christopher, Nayak, Richi, Kutty, Sangeetha, Geva, Shlomo, Tagarelli, Andrea (2011) Overview of the INEX 2010 XML mining track : clustering and classification of XML documents. In Geva, S, Kamps, J, Trotman, A, Schenkel, R (Eds.), Comparative Evaluation of Focused Retrieval: 9th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2010 [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6932], pp.363-376. []
Hou, Jun, Zhang, Jinglan, Nayak, Richi, Bose, Aishwarya (2011) Semantics-based web service discovery using information retrieval techniques. In Geva, S, Kamps, J, Trotman, A, Schenkel, R (Eds.), Comparative Evaluation of Focused Retrieval - 9th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2010 [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.336-346. []
Nayak, Richi (2011) Utilizing past relations and user similarities in a social matching system. In Cao, L, Huang, J Z, Srivastava, J (Eds.), Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 15th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2011, Proceedings, Part II [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6635], pp.99-110. []
Suchanek, Fabian, Varde, Aparna, Nayak, Richi, Senellart, Pierre (2011) The hidden Web, XML and the Semantic Web: Scientific data management perspectives. In Patel, J, Risch, T, Ailamaki, A, Senellart, P, Amer-Yahia, S, Stoyanovich, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, pp.534-537. []
Kutty, Sangeetha, Nayak, Richi, Li, Yuefeng (2010) XML documents clustering using tensor space model - A preliminary study. In Wu, X, Fan, W, Hsu, W, Liu, B, Webb, G I, Zhang, C, Gunopulos, D (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, pp.1167-1173. []
Chen, Lin, Nayak, Richi, Xu, Yue (2010) Improving matching process in social network. In Wu, X, Fan, W, Hsu, W, Liu, B, Webb, G I, Zhang, C, Gunopulos, D (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, pp.305-311. []
Liang, Huizhi, Xu, Yue, Li, Yuefeng, Nayak, Richi (2010) Personalized recommender system based on item taxonomy and folksonomy. In Wu, X, Huang, X J, Jones, G, Koudas, N, Collins-Thompson, K (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management and Co-Located Workshops, pp.1641-1644. []
Kutty, Sangeetha, Nayak, Richi, Li, Yuefeng (2010) Utilising semantic tags in XML clustering. 8th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2009, pp.1167-1173. []
Liang, Huizhi, Xu, Yue, Li, Yuefeng, Nayak, Richi, Tao, Daniel (2010) Connecting users and items with weighted tags for personalized item recommendations. In Toms, E, Chignell, M (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pp.51-60. []
Rawat, Rakesh, Nayak, Richi, Li, Yuefeng (2010) Clustering of web users using the tensor decomposed
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Liang, Huizhi, Xu, Yue, Li, Yuefeng, Nayak, Richi, Shaw, Gavin (2010) A hybrid recommender systems based on weighted tags. 10th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM2010). []
Algergawy, Alsayed, Nayak, Richi, Siegmund, Norbert, Koppen, Veit, Saake, Gunter (2010) Combining schema and level-based matching for web service discovery. In Rossi, G, Casati, F, Kappel, G, Benatallah, B (Eds.), Web Engineering: 10th International Conference, ICWE 2010 Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6189], pp.114-128. []
Algergawy, Alsayed, Nayak, Richi, Saake, Gunter (2010) Element similarity measures in XML schema matching. Information Sciences, 180 (24), pp.4975-4998. []
Mittal, Namita, Nayak, Richi, Govil, M. C., Jain, K.C. (2010) Evaluation of a hybrid approach of personalized web information retrieval using the FIRE data set. In Achuthan, K, Buragohain, G (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st Amrita ACM-W Celebration on Women in Computing in India, pp.1-6. []
Nayak, Richi, De Vries, Christopher, Kutty, Sangeetha, Geva, Shlomo, Denoyer, Ludovic, Gallinari, Patrick (2010) Overview of the INEX 2009 XML mining track : clustering
and classification of XML documents. In Geva, S, Kamps, J, Trotman, A (Eds.), Focused Retrieval and Evaluation: 8th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2009, Revised and Selected Papers [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6203], pp.366-378. []
Mittal, Namita, Nayak, Richi, Govil, M. C., Jain, K.C. (2010) Recommender system framework using clustering and collaborative filtering. In Bajaj, P, Abraham, A (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, pp.555-558. []
Md Amin, Mohd, Nayak, Richi (2010) Theoretical model of user acceptance : in the view of measuring success in web personalization. In Forbrig, P, Paterno, F, Mark Pejtersen, A (Eds.), Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction held as part of 2nd IFIP World Computer Congress [IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Volume 332], pp.255-264. []
Nayak, Richi, Emerson, Daniel, Weligamage, Justin, Piyatrapoomi, Noppadol (2010) Using data mining on road asset management data in analysing road crashes. 16th annual TMR Engineering & Technology Forum. []
Kutty, Sangeetha, Nayak, Richi, Li, Yuefeng (2010) Utilising semantic tags in XML clustering. In Geva, S, Kamps, J, Trotman, A (Eds.), Focused Retrieval and Evaluation: 8th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2009, Revised and Selected Papers [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6203], pp.416-425. []
Mittal, Namita, Nayak, Richi, Govil, M. C., Jain, K.C. (2010) A hybrid approach of personalized web Information retrieval. In King, I, Huang, X J, Rueger, S, Raghavan, V (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2010, pp.308-313. []
Nayak, Richi, Zhang, Meng, Chen, Lin (2010) A social matching system for an online dating network : a preliminary study. In Wu, X, Fan, W, Hsu, W, Liu, B, Webb, G I, Zhang, C, Gunopulos, D (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, pp.352-357. []
Nayak, Richi, Piyatrapoomi, Noppadol, Weligamage, Justin (2010) Application of text mining in analysing road crashes for road asset management. In Mathew, Joseph, Kiritsis, Dimitris, Koronios, Andy, Emmanouilidis, Christos (Eds.), Engineering Asset Lifecycle Management : Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2009), pp.49-58. []