Professors Lindy Willmott and Ben White and Casey Haining were engaged by the Western Australian government to undertake research with key stakeholders to inform the legislatively-mandated review of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019 (WA). Their Research Report informed the Review Panel’s recommendations for VAD reform in Western Australia.
The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019 (WA) was passed in December 2019, and came into effect on 1 July 2021 following an 18-month implementation period. The Act obliges the Minister for Health to “review the operation and effectiveness” of the Act at set intervals, with the first review occurring as soon as practicable after the 2nd anniversary of the Act’s operation.
Dr Elissa Campbell, Dr Sally Talbot MLC and Dr Simon Towler were appointed by the Minister to form an independent panel (Review Panel) to conduct the Review.
The Panel’s terms of reference required it to consider:
- the effectiveness and the operation of the Act, as passed by the Parliament in 2019, in providing for and regulating access to voluntary assisted dying (VAD); and
- the extent to which current processes provided under the Act are operating to support persons eligible for VAD in Western Australia
The Review Panel’s terms of reference stated that the Review was not seeking feedback on whether VAD should be precluded or whether there should be changes to eligibility criteria for patients or practitioners involved in the VAD process.
The Review comprised a two-stage consultation process.
Stage One of the Review was managed by the Department of Health on behalf of the Panel. Stage One invited key stakeholders to complete an online survey intended to identify the most significant issues. The online survey was open between 10 November and 8 December 2023.
Stage Two of the Review was carried out by the QUT project team in 2024 and involved carrying out targeted interviews and focus groups to explore some of the main issues captured in Stage One.
What did this project involve?
The QUT team conducted semi-structured interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders identified by the Panel to further explore some of the key issues identified by Stage One of the consultation.
Stakeholders included representation from VAD health practitioners who were involved in provision at the time (including medical practitioners and a nurse practitioner), VAD Statewide Care Navigator Service (SWCNS), VAD Statewide Pharmacy Service (SWPS), VAD Advocacy Groups, health service providers’ VAD Coordinators, VAD Board, VAD Board Secretariat, End of Life Care Program Team at the Department of Health (DoH) and family caregivers who supported a person through the VAD process.
The research team analysed the data from the interviews and focus groups and drew on other available evidence relevant to VAD in WA. The team identified relevant issues with the WA VAD system and potential responses to address such issues. The authors also formulated 25 recommendations for the Review Panel to consider.
The Research Report was provided to the Review Panel to inform their Final Report which was tabled in both Houses of Parliament on 28 November 2024. A copy of the Panel’s final report can be found on the Government of Western Australia Department of Health website.
Research reports
- Review of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019 (WA): Research Report
- Executive Summary Review of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019 (WA): Research Report
Project team
More information
For more information about the project, please contact Casey Haining by email.