Dr Rachel Feeney

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Research Fellow, Faculty of Business and Law

PhD (University of Queensland), BSpPath (University of Queensland)

Rachel is a Research Fellow and member of the End of Life Research Program within the Australian Centre for Health Law Research. She previously worked as a speech pathologist in palliative and end-of-life care, intensive care, oncology and paediatrics. Rachel's early research focused on speech pathology and allied health topics, and in 2016 she was awarded a PhD on speech pathology and epidemiology. She has extensive experience in quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Since joining QUT in 2015, Rachel's research has focused on end-of-life decision-making, including law, policy and clinical practice. She has a particular interest in voluntary assisted dying and the specific legal issues relevant to allied health professionals working in end-of-life care. Rachel has also contributed to the development of training for speech pathologists and other allied health professionals on end-of-life law and voluntary assisted dying. She was previously engaged as a clinical consultant for the Voluntary Assisted Dying Training Education Module for Healthcare Workers in Queensland.

Additional information

  • A longitudinal study of medial practitioners' experiences following the commencement of Voluntary Assisted Dying in Queensland
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Ben White, Professor Lindy Willmott