Professor Julie-Anne Tarr

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Professor, Faculty of Business and Law

JD (Cornell University), PhD (University of Queensland), Bachelor of Arts (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Professor Tarr brings to her teaching and research a diverse background in:
  • financial services, commercial law and consumer protection
  • insurance, risk, regulation and audit
  • complex project management
  • governance, regulation, ethics and change management in NPOs, NGOs and social enterprise
  • emerging technology regulation
She has previously held senior appointments in:
  • the United States (Indiana)
  • Australia (where she has taught at Monash, Bond and University of Queensland)
  • the University of the South Pacific
In addition, she has served as the General Manager, CEO or Director of a range of organisations including:
  • Queensland Institute of Medical Research
  • Indiana University’s International Programs Office
  • USP Solutions (the private commercial arm of the University of the South Pacific)
  • Litigation Reform Commission (Qld)
She has authored seven books and legal treatises in the fields of emerging technologies, insurance, consumer protection and contracting; 90+ peer reviewed articles, book chapters, law reform reports and submissions; held Directorships of commercial and government Boards; and worked extensively as a consultant in the private commercial sector. Research Affiliations - QUT
  • Center for Future Enterprise, foundation member
  • Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, Senior Fellow
  • Australian Centre for Health Law Research, Chief Investigator
  • Behavioural Economics Studies Center, Affiliate
Research interests include regulation, disclosure and consumer protection in:
  • complex contracts
  • insurance law, risk, regulation (around emerging technologies & consumer protection)
  • complex project management, joint venture structures, start ups, intellectual property
  • governance, ethics and corporate oversight
  • health services delivery, biotechnology and medical research governance
  • legal philosophy, comparative law and history

Additional information

Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
QUT Vice Chancellor Performance Award Outstanding Research, 2017
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
QUT Vice Chancellors Performance Award (Research Culture), 2014
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
QUT David Gardiner Outstanding Teacher of the Year, nominee 2014
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
QUT Vice Chancellors Performance Award (outstanding publication), 2010
  • Compulsory Insurance Frameworks for Emerging Aviation Technology - Framing the Future of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Associate Professor Gavin Nicholson
  • A Director's Perspective: Understanding Australia's 'two-strike' rule as a regulatory instrument: A Director's Perspective
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Ellie Chapple
  • Quarterly reporting as a disclosure method of financial information for listed firms in Sri Lanka
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Pamela Kent, Dr Sarah Osborne