Education, Training and Continuing Professional Education

Our researchers contribute to the development of curriculum content in the disciplines of health law and ethics to engage students with current ideas in and across disciplines. Our health law experts have also developed successful community and professional education development programs.

Undergraduate Teaching

Our researchers have developed and teach courses offered by the QUT Law School which teach health law related issues and provide undergraduate law students with opportunities to engage in health law focused research projects supervised by leading health law researchers and industry professionals, including:

  • LLB248 – Public Health and the Law
    This unit aims to develop students’ knowledge of public health ethics and law, drawing on present-day examples such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • LLH471 – Health Law and Practice
    The relationship between the provider of health services and the patient has, in recent times, become more complex and there is consequently a significantly growing field of related legal scholarship and litigation.
  • LLB346 – Succession Law
    Succession deals with the legal consequences of death on a person’s property, with links to other important areas of law (equity and trusts, property law and family law).
  • LLB140 – Human Rights Law
    This first-year elective unit provides students with the knowledge and skills to effectively apply human rights.
  • LLB463 – Legal Placement
    This unit will enable you to experience the real-world application and development of your legal knowledge and skills through participation in a domestic legal placement.
  • LLH473 – Independent Research Project
    This unit provides you with the advanced research and writing skills needed for enrolment in higher degree research programs and for the legal profession.
  • LLH479 – Research Thesis Extension
    This unit will develop your independent research and writing skills and is for students considering a career conducting research and managing research projects in public, community and private enterprises.

Postgraduate Teaching

Vacation Research Experience Scheme

The Vacation Research Experience Scheme (VRES) allows students the opportunity to participate in a research project for approximately 6-10 weeks, and is particularly valuable for students interested in pursuing a research degree.

Applications for 2024-25 close on Friday 30 August 2024, with assessment outcomes distributed in mid-October.

End of Life Law Education and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

  • End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC)
    End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC) is a free training program for medical practitioners, medical students, nurses, and allied and other health professionals about the law relating to end of life decision-making. There are 12 self-paced modules to enhance clinicians’ capacity to manage legal issues in end of life decision-making, leading to improved quality of care and practice. Find out more.
  • End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC)
    ELDAC is a national specialist palliative care and advance care planning advisory service for health care providers in aged and palliative care. ELDAC’s End of Life Law Toolkit provides factsheets, mythbusters and case studies about end of life law for general practitioners and health professionals working in aged care.
  • End of Life Law in Australia
    End of Life Law in Australia aims to provide accessible information about State and Territory laws at the end of life for patients, families, health and legal practitioners, the media, policymakers and the broader community.