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Our research is regularly published in A* and A journal publications, in the top 5% and top 6-20% of journals in the Australian Research Council list.

Tavassoli, Sam, Obschonka, Martin, Audretsch, David B. (2021) Entrepreneurship in Cities. Research Policy, 50 (7), pp.Article number: 104255. []
Obschonka, Martin, Gewirtz, Abigail H., Zhu, Liqi (2021) Psychological implications of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world: Introduction to the special issue. International Journal of Psychology, 56 (4), pp.493-497. []
Daly, Michael, Obschonka, Martin, Stuetzer, Michael, Sutin, Angelina R., Shaw-Taylor, Leigh, Satchell, Max, Robinson, Eric (2021) Neuroticism mediates the relationship between industrial history and modern-day regional obesity levels. Journal of Personality, 89 (2), pp.276-287. []
Newman, Alexander, Obschonka, Martin, Moeller, Julia, Chandan, Gemma Garima (2021) Entrepreneurial passion: A Review, synthesis, and agenda for future research. Applied Psychology, 70 (2), pp.816-860. []
Schilling, Michael, Roulin, Nicolas, Obschonka, Martin, König, Cornelius J. (2021) Do you fake more because of your neighbors? A multi-level study on regional and individual predictors of faking intentions across the USA. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36 (2), pp.193-209. []
Davidsson, Per, Grégoire, Denis A., Lex, Maike (2021) Venture Idea Assessment (VIA): Development of a needed concept, measure, and research agenda. Journal of Business Venturing, 36 (5), pp.Article number: 106130. []
Davidsson, Per, Gruenhagen, Jan Henrik (2021) Fulfilling the process promise: A review and agenda for new venture creation process research. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 45 (5), pp.1083-1118. []
Davidsson, Per (2021) Ditching Discovery-Creation for Unified Venture Creation Research. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. []
Kimjeon, Jiyoung, Davidsson, Per (2021) External Enablers of Entrepreneurship: A Review and Agenda for Accumulation of Strategically Actionable Knowledge. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. []
Berger, Elisabeth S.C., von Briel, Frederik, Davidsson, Per, Kuckertz, Andreas (2021) Digital or not – The future of entrepreneurship and innovation: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Business Research, 125, pp.436-442. []
Davidsson, Per, Recker, Jan, von Briel, Frederik (2021) COVID-19 as External Enabler of entrepreneurship practice and research. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 24 (3), pp.214-223. []
Gentile-Ludecke, Simona, Torres de Oliveira, Rui, Paul, Justin (2020) Does organizational structure facilitate inbound and outbound open innovation in SMEs?. Small Business Economics, 55 (4), pp.1091-1112. []
Torres de Oliveira, Rui, Indulska, Marta, Steen, John, Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2020) Towards a framework for innovation in retailing through social media. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, pp.Article number: 101772 1-13. []
Davidsson, Per, Recker, Jan Christof, von Briel, Frederik (2020) External enablement of new venture creation: A framework. Academy of Management Perspectives, 34 (3), pp.311-332. []
McGaughey, Sara L., Raimondos, Pascalis, la Cour, Lisbeth (2020) Foreign influence, control, and indirect ownership:Implications for productivity spillovers. Journal of International Business Studies, 51 (9), pp.1391-1412. []
Obschonka, Martin, Moeller, Julia, Goethner, Maximilian (2019) Entrepreneurial passion and personality: The case of academic entrepreneurship. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (JAN), pp.Article number: 2697 1-15. []
Newman, Alexander, Obschonka, Martin, Schwarz, Susan, Cohen, Michael (2019) Entrepreneurial self-efficacy: A systematic review of the literature on its theoretical foundations, measurement, antecedents, and outcomes, and an agenda for future research. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 110 (Part B), pp.403-419. []
McGaughey, Sara, Raimondos, Pascalis (2019) Shifting MNE taxation from national to global profits: A radical reform long overdue. Journal of International Business Studies, 50 (9), pp.1668-1683. []
Lunnan, Randi, McGaughey, Sara L. (2019) Orchestrating international production networks when formal authority shifts. Journal of World Business, 54 (5), pp.Article number: 101000. []
Amberg, Joe J., McGaughey, Sara L. (2019) Strategic human resource management and inertia in the corporate entrepreneurship of a multinational enterprise. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30 (5), pp.759-793. []
von Briel, Frederik, Davidsson, Per, Recker, Jan (2018) Digital technologies as external enablers of new venture creation in the IT hardware sector. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42 (1), pp.47-69. []
Alfoldi, Eva A., McGaughey, Sara L., Clegg, L. Jeremy (2017) Firm Bosses or Helpful Neighbours? The Ambiguity and Co-Construction of MNE Regional Management Mandates. Journal of Management Studies, 54 (8), pp.1170-1205. []
McGaughey, Sara L., Kumaraswamy, Arun, Liesch, Peter W. (2016) Institutions, entrepreneurship and co-evolution in international business. Journal of World Business, 51 (6), pp.871-881. []
Davidsson, Per (2015) Entrepreneurial opportunities and the entrepreneurship nexus: A re-conceptualization. Journal of Business Venturing, 30 (5), pp.674-695. []
Miralles-Vazquez, Laia, McGaughey, Sara L. (2015) Non-traditional international assignments, knowledge and innovation:an exploratory study of women’s experiences. Prometheus (United Kingdom), 33 (3), pp.277-303. []
Hatani, Faith, McGaughey, Sara L. (2013) Network cohesion in global expansion:An evolutionary view. Journal of World Business, 48 (4), pp.455-465. []
McGaughey, Sara L., Kumaraswamy, Arun, Liesch, Peter W. (2013) Journal of World Business special issue:Institutions, entrepreneurship and co-evolution in international business. Journal of World Business, 48 (2), pp.282-283. []
McGaughey, Sara L. (2013) Institutional entrepreneurship in North American lightning protection standards:Rhetorical history and unintended consequences of failure. Business History, 55 (1), pp.73-97. []
Alfoldi, Eva A., Clegg, L. Jeremy, McGaughey, Sara L. (2012) Coordination at the Edge of the Empire:The Delegation of Headquarters Functions through Regional Management Mandates. Journal of International Management, 18 (3), pp.276-292. []
Liesch, Peter W., Håkanson, Lars, McGaughey, Sara L., Middleton, Stuart, Cretchley, Julia (2011) The evolution of the international business field:a scientometric investigation of articles published in its premier journal. Scientometrics, 88 (1), pp.17-42. []
Shepherd, Dean, Douglas, Evan, Fitzsimmons, Jason (2008) MBA admission criteria and an entrepreneurial mind-set: evidence from "Western" style MBAs in India and Thailand. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 7 (2), pp.158-172. []
Steffens, Paul, Douglas, Evan (2007) Valuing Technology Investments: Use Real Options Thinking but Forget Real Options Valuation. International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship, 1 (1), pp.58-77. []
McGaughey, Sara L. (2007) Hidden ties in international new venturing:The case of portfolio entrepreneurship. Journal of World Business, 42 (3), pp.307-321. []
Douglas, Evan (2006) Entrepreneurship And Management Education: A Case For Change. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 2 (2), pp.1-17. []
Douglas, Evan, Morris, Robyn (2006) Workaholic, or Just Hard Worker?. Career Development International, 11 (5), pp.394-417. []
Fitzsimmons, Jason, Douglas, Evan (2006) Entrepreneurs and funding decisions: evidence from Australian SME's. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 3 (1), pp.76-91. []
McGaughey, Sara L. (2006) Reading as a method of inquiry:Representations of the born global. Management International Review, 46 (4), pp.461-480. []
Fitzsimmons, Jason, Douglas, Evan, Antoncic, Bostjan, Hisrich, Robert (2005) Intrapreneurship in Australian Firms. Journal of Management and Organization, 11 (1), pp.17-27. []
Douglas, Evan, Shepherd, Dean (2002) Exploring Investor Readiness: Assessments by Entrepreneurs and Investors in Australia. Venture Capital, 4 (3), pp.219-236. []
Douglas, Evan, Shepherd, Dean (2002) Self-employment as a Career Choice: Attitudes, Entrepreneurial Intentions and Utility Maximization. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 26 (3), pp.81-90. []
Douglas, Evan, Shepherd, Dean, Levesque, Moren (2002) Employment or Self-employment: A Dynamic Utility Maximizing Model. Journal of Business Venturing, 17 (3), pp.189-210. []
McGaughey, Sara L., Liesch, Peter W. (2002) The global sports-media nexus:Reflections on the 'Super League saga' in Australia. Journal of Management Studies, 39 (3), pp.383-416. []
McGaughey, Sara L. (2002) Strategic interventions in intellectual asset flows. Academy of Management Review, 27 (2), pp.248-274. []
Shepherd, Dean A., Douglas, Evan J., Shanley, Mark (2000) New Venture Survival: Ignorance, External Shocks, and Risk Reduction Strategies. Journal of Business Venturing, 15 (5-6), pp.393-410. []
Douglas, Evan J., Shepherd, Dean A. (2000) Entrepreneurship as a Utility-Maximizing Response. Journal of Business Venturing, 15 (3), pp.231-251. []
McGaughey, Sara L., Liesch, Peter W., Poulson, Duncan (2000) An unconventional approach to intellectual property protection:The case of an Australian firm transferring shipbuilding technologies to China. Journal of World Business, 35 (1), pp.1-20. []
McGaughey, Sara L., De Cieri, Helen (1999) Reassessment of convergence and divergence dynamics:Implications for international HRM. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 10 (2), pp.235-250. []
Mcgaughey, Sara L. (1998) Realising the Marketing Advantages of International Standard-Setting Activities: Opportunities for Innovative Technology-Based SMEs. Journal of Marketing Management, 14 (8), pp.897-925. []
McGaughey, Sara L., Iverson, Roderick D., De Cieri, Helen (1997) A multi-method analysis of work-related preferences in three nations:Implications for inter- and intra-national human resource management. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 8 (1), pp.1-17. []