
About the Centre

The Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACE) is a hub in Australia for research-based knowledge in entrepreneurship, with interests extending into adjacent areas such as innovation and small business. We expand and continue to develop entrepreneurship research initiated at the QUT Business School in 2005 and are an internationally-recognised leader in scholarly research on entrepreneurship.

Our Centre is led by Director, Artemis Chang, with the support of The Talbot Family Foundation Chair, Professor Per Davidsson. As experts in entrepreneurship research, our team makes knowledge accessible to business, media and government. Entrepreneurs, business advisors, governments and non-profit organisations draw on our expertise in their efforts to design policies, start businesses, innovate and improve performance.

See our Impact page for in-depth industry reports containing key findings, plus short vignettes for business and policy advice to practitioners.

ACE is known globally as an inclusive and welcoming place where entrepreneurship researchers on many levels are encouraged to develop and build collaborative relationships, and to spend time focusing on their own projects and publications. Over the years ACE has hosted visitors who have come for varying durations of time, some have come just for a couple of weeks, many for 3-6 months, others for up to 12 months or more. You can read more HERE about how you might apply for a visiting sabbatical and how you might contribute to the positive research community at ACE. And although we cannot offer remuneration, we can offer a place to work, access to computer, internet, library etc.

Study with Us

If you’re passionate about entrepreneurship, and want to explore ideas, create knowledge and become an expert, why not join our team of PhD and masters students? Our supervisors are leaders in their fields and offer exceptional mentoring support. You’ll be part of a vibrant research culture, with regular seminars and workshops. Send your CV and proposed research topic to the QUT Business School Research Support Office and we can match you with a supervisor. For more information, please check the links below.

Don’t want to miss any updates?

Email us to receive information and updates on our seminars, news and events at acereconference@qut.edu.au.