Good results for ACE Professors in Stanford list of the world’s top 2% scientists

Stanford University released a list of the top 2% scientists in the world, based on standardised citation metrics across all scientists and scientific disciplines.

The list names 4 ACE Professors as among the top 2% scientists in the world according to their citation impact during the calendar year 2019.

ACE Deputy Director, Distinguished Professor Dietmar W Hutmacher achieved the outstanding rank of 588, ACE Adjunct Professor Dean Shepherd is listed as rank 669, ACE Founding Director Professor Per Davidsson has rank 2795 and ACE Director Professor Martin Obschonka ranks 62159 among the top 2% scientists in the world. The whole list of the top 2% scientists covers around 160000 researchers.

This is testimony to ACE’s strong academic impact and international reputation.

The Stanford list is available here:

authfull inst_name cntry np6019 firstyr lastyr rank (ns)
Hutmacher, Dietmar W. Queensland University of Technology QUT aus 468 1994 2020 588
Shepherd, Dean A. Mendoza College of Business usa 222 1999 2020 669
Davidsson, Per Queensland University of Technology QUT aus 97 1989 2020 2795
Obschonka, Martin Queensland University of Technology QUT aus 57 2010 2020 62159