In 2019, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australian residents were significantly more likely to believe that entrepreneurship is a desirable career choice. Australia is number 1 in intrapreneurship globally, with Victoria and Western Australia leading intrapreneurship as a percentage of the population across Australia. Total early-stage entrepreneurship (TEA) was highest in the Australian Capital Territory, with entrepreneurial intentions being highest in the Northern Territory. Reflecting this, the proportion of nascent entrepreneurship – Australian’s in the process of starting a business but not yet operating – was highest in the Northern Territory. Conversely, New South Wales had the highest rate of baby businesses as a proportion of total early-stage entrepreneurial activity.
These are just some of the powerful insights from the 2019/2020 regional analysis from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) – Australia. At over 10,000 respondents, the GEM regional report is the largest randomised phone and online survey targeting entrepreneurship in Australia. It provides the only opportunity for regional analysis of Australian’s perceptions of entrepreneurship and early-stage business activity. This information is valuable for those making policy decisions to support entrepreneurial activity in Australia. Read more about regional differences in entrepreneurship in the GEM – Australian Population Survey (APS) Regional Report.
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