You are invited to 'The next frontiers in entrepreneurship research'

You are invited to register for our next ACE Research Seminar to be presented by Professor Martin Obschonka, Director of ACE – to be held Tuesday 18 August 2020, 2pm AEST.

Martin’s presentation is entitled “The next frontiers in entrepreneurship research”

Entrepreneurship research is one of the most agile fields in the social sciences. On the one hand, the sheer number of scholars in the fields and impact factors are exploding – on the hand, scholars criticize issues with research relevance and general reputation and impact. This presentation will attempt to offer a personal overview over ongoing and future developments in the field – with respect to research topics, methods, and relevance. The presentation will give some examples of prior or ongoing research particularly illustrative of a certain megatrend in the field, and discusses the concrete implications for entrepreneurship scholars, including ECRs. The presentation will allow for ample opportunities to engage in discussions and to provide participants a forum where they can also discuss own questions in their own research projects, when related to the topic of the presentation.

Please REGISTER HERE in advance to confirm your attendance and to receive the zoom link.

You can find previous ACE research seminars and HERE including those presented earlier in 2020:

The Coronation of Entrepreneurship Research: COVID-19 and Other External Enablers of New Venture – Presented by Professor Per Davidsson