Researchers have long agreed that new venture creation is best viewed as a process. But process research is difficult and time consuming. Some studied start-ups fall over, others move or change names and get lost from view, and others still stop participating in the research. As a result, process research on new venture creation is less common and more scattered than it ought to be.
To deal with this, ACE’s Professor Per Davidsson and Dr. Jan Gruenhagen took a deep dive into research published in 21 leading journals in entrepreneurship, innovation and management during the past 30 years. They identified 116 articles meeting their criteria for “new venture creation process research” and reviewed them systematically. Based on the review, they develop a research agenda outlining useful and interesting topics and methods for future research in this area. The resulting article, “Fulfilling the Process Promise: A Review and Agenda for New Venture Creation Process Research” has now been published in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, currently the ‘hottest’ scholarly journal in this field.
The article abstract follows below. Those with access can download the article here. Others can request a copy from
“We review new venture creation process research in leading journals over the past 30 years, applying a broad view of “process.” While we find a rich and varied literature with significant quantitative and qualitative growth, the review reveals considerable room for future contributions in this important area of entrepreneurship research. In an agenda building on review results, exemplary articles, and theory development advice from other sources, we discuss several types of such future contributions. We hope that our efforts can inspire emerging scholars, colleagues, research leaders, and institutional actors to contribute to a bright future for this core domain of entrepreneurship research”