Key Trends in Entrepreneurship in Australia 2019/20

While over two-thirds of all Australians between the ages of 18 and 65 believe it is easy to start a business in Australia, half will not start a business for fear of failure. Yet Australia presently ranks number one out of 50 global economies for intrapreneurship, or engaging in entrepreneurial activities for their employer. These are a few of the insights from the 2019/20 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), the most comprehensive globally comparable assessment of entrepreneurship perceptions and intentions. The national trend report for Australia considers entrepreneur activity changes from 2014 revealing a diminishing gender gap due to a decline in males starting new businesses, particularly amongst the 35 to 44 year age group. These insights provide valuable information to help develop policy and programs for Australia’s social and economic impact. Read more about national trends in Australian entrepreneurship in our National Trend Analysis Report.

Read more about the GEM project