Join the Honourable Campbell Newman MP, Premier of Queensland and the Honourable Jann Stuckey MP, Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games for the launch of the second annual Queensland Small Business Week.
This is an opportunity not to be missed. Queensland is a state renowned for its diverse and innovative business community. Research shows that business sentiment is high and Queensland is positioned well to build on our competitive strengths. But what is happening beyond our local economy? Is Queensland’s entrepreneurial drive and determination translating to results on a global scale?
The Queensland Government has invited Professor Josh Lerner from Harvard Business School to shed light on Queensland’s performance on the world stage. Professor Lerner is the Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking at Harvard Business School, and head of the Entrepreneurial Management Unit, USA. Professor Lerner is a member of the World Economic Forum, at which he presents annually on small business issues and entrepreneurship.
Professor Lerner will draw on his experience running Harvard’s flagship executive education program for smaller fast-growing businesses to provide insight into how business can flourish when it thinks BIG.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
12.00pm for 12.30pm start
Ithaca Auditorium, Brisbane, City Hall
$65.00per person 2 course lunch and beverages (GST inclusive)
For more information: