ACE Represented at the G20 Agenda for Growth Meeting

Per Davidsson and Karen Taylor represented the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACE) at “the G20 Agenda for Growth: Opportunities for SMEs” conference, called by the general Small Business Minister, Bruce Billson, in Melbourne on Friday, June 20.  The meeting was held in a very historic place – the Victorian Parliament – in the very room which also hosted the first federal parliament of Australia in the early 1900sAll important SME-related organisations were represented among the 100+ delegates, so it was an excellent networking opportunity for ACE . Per took the floor twice, summarizing stylized facts from research related to the conference theme, as well as their policy implications, and seems to have made an impression. The Minister impressed by attending in person for most of the day and we also got a chance to talk to him face-to-face and provide him with a set of ACE research vignettes, including this one, which was prepared specifically for this meeting.  We are currently following up on the important contacts we made at the meeting. Read more about the meeting