The third ACCTERM Research Forum will bring together leading researchers from Australia and China to share emerging research findings, strengthen research links, and develop collaborative research projects
Flyer and program
See here for further information on the event program and venue.
ACCTERM Research Forum 2015 – Recap
Collaboration between China and Australia in the field of tissue engineering was further enhanced at the third annual research forum hosted by the Australia-China Centre for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (ACCTERM), led by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
This year’s Forum was held on 5th-7th of November at QUT Kelvin Grove Campus, Brisbane and Surfers Paradise in the city of the Gold Coast. The Forum brought together leading biomaterial, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine scientists from QUT, Griffith University, and top universities and research institutes in China to share emerging science, exchange ideas, strengthen collaborative links and develop innovative research project concepts. Key Chinese partners represented at the Forum included Wuhan University, Sun Yat-sen University, Nanjing University, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics-Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, each of whom are leaders in specialist research areas.
QUT’s Professor and Chair of Bone and Tissue Engineering, Yin Xiao who convened the forum, said China has become one of the world’s leading science producers and has a long track record of close scientific cooperation with Australia. Significant expansions of the bilateral collaborative research networks have already occurred, indicating the strength of these ventures.