Visiting academic program

The Accounting for Social Change researchers host and present a range of events throughout the year for practitioners and academics. The Visiting academic program allows members of the Accounting for Social Change community to engage with  leading academics in a range of disciplines.

Covid 19 has disrupted the 2020 visiting academic program.


Dr. Irma Mosquera 2020

Professor Kerrie Sadiq interviewed Dr Mosquera, Associate Professor of Tax Law at Leiden University, the Netherlands and Lead Researcher of the European Research Council ERC Funded Project GLOBTAXGOV about the BEPS minimum standards and country adoption, particularly in developing countries. Please use this link to access the interviews.


Dr Bronwyn McCredie May 2020

QUT’s Dr Bronwyn McCredie will be presenting by zoom at the Victoria University Wellington on June 5, 2020. If you are interested in the lecture “Identifying Corporate Tax Aggressiveness” please contact Dr McCredie for details

Dr Gabriel Pundrich March 2020

Dr Gabriel Pundrich from Bocconi University has been a School funded visitor and sabbatical visitor (until 15 May) and presented his research titled: ‘Investments in accounting Resources and the Implications for External Reporting and Disclosure’ to staff and research students on Friday 6 March.


Professor Adrian Sawyer (University of Canterbury) February 2020

Professor Adrian sawyer met with HDR students and presented the keynote address  at the Mini-tax symposium 18 February 2020  Professor Sawyer was hosted by Professor Kerrie Sadiq, Professor of Taxation, & Dr Bronwyn McCredie, QUT.


Professor Richard Krever

Professor Rickard Krever, The University of Western Australia, Member of the Order of Australia is Visiting Academic – Leading taxation law and policy expert from 22 July to 4 August 2019. Professor Krever was hosted by Professor Kerrie Sadiq, Professor of Taxation, Queensland University of Technology.


Assistant Professor Joe Johnston Illinois State University

Assistant Professor Joe JohnstonAssistant Professor Joe Johnson, Department of Accountancy, Illinois State University was hosted by Professor Ellie Chapple when he visited the School from 8-17 March, 2019. Professor Johnston presented a research paper ‘Auditing the Derivative Usage of Bank-Holding Companies’.


Dr Amedeo Pugliese Padova University Italy

Dr Amedeo Pugliese from the University of Padua and former QUT employee visited the School from 25 February to 8 March. His visit was hosted by Professor Ellie Chapple and funded by the Colin Brain Fellowship Fund. Dr Pugliese collaborated on research with academic staff and was a guest lecturer in AYN433 Research Topics in Accounting. Dr Pugliese also met with academic staff and research students during his visit.



Professor Martina Linnenluecke

Professor Martina Linnenluecke, Director for the Centre for Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Finance, Macquarie University was a Mentor Visitor at the School from 21 to 22 March, 2019. Professor Linnenluecke met with Academic staff and students to discuss their research. Prof Linnenluecke also presented on current research: ‘Adaptation and resilience to global environmental change and climate change’. Professor Linnenluecke was hosted by Professor Ellie Chapple and Dr Sarah Osborne.