Will it make a difference? Yes!! We honour Lindy Albury Craddy

Doing important research with teachers and students that makes a real difference in schools is not easy. It inevitably involves asking busy teachers to do something more and different, disrupting the usual routines. It is exploratory and, when it pushes boundaries, it is uncomfortable.

That is where a few key leaders in the school are essential for success.

They see the vision and the potential.

They liaise, organise, communicate and problem solve.

And in the case of the Deputy Principal of Kedron State High School, Lindy Albury Craddy, they are a fierce caring advocate for students and teachers.

It was with sadness that the Accessible Assessment project team learned that Lindy passed away in November 2023 after her long illness. Many people at her memorial service spoke about her generous, confident and caring spirit. We feel very grateful to have had the privilege of working alongside Lindy and enjoying her quick wit, great sense of humour and capable strategic leadership. We know that we are only some of the many people who have benefited from being part of her long, but not long enough, educational career.

We asked Lindy to share an audio reflection at the recent Accessible Assessment Forum. Lindy was in the first meeting where the project was taking shape and worked with the project team through the disruptive years of COVID-19 and floods to make student and teacher participation as seamless as possible.  She reflected on what she hoped the project would achieve and how proud she was of the role that teachers and students have played in creating new knowledge that will help many others. Her insights were so good, her reflection featured as the closing keynote. Lindy gave her permission to share it here as well:

We are grateful to Lindy, and also to our other key educational leaders in schools, for all that they have done and continue to do to be partners with us in bringing accessibility in assessment and pedagogy into more classrooms.

Educators have legacies that outlast them. Lindy’s legacy lives on through her family, friends, colleagues and students, and also through the extremely positive Accessible Assessment project results.

We have renewed determination to ensure that this work continues so that more students and teachers get to benefit from Accessible Assessment and Pedagogies. We will have more to say about this next year.


  • Peter Craddy

    Thank you all from the Craddy family, I know that Lindy will be watching down with pride. She’s now helping people learn in death as she did when she was alive.

  • Heather J. Buchanan, PhD

    Thank you for honoring Lindy with this article. She was a fierce advocate and brilliant educator. A fitting tribute to her legacy of excellence.

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